Not Fair! We Long for Spring!

  • Post published:04/05/2024
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Late Afternoon Rain                                                                                                                                                                We had been working  in the garden, so happy that flower shoots were up – and there were even some beginning to bloom. But now the raised beds are full of snow with water around. The fact is that the land is still partly frozen and the water cannot sink .


Gardening in Changing Times

  • Post published:04/02/2024
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Bridge of Flowers

Spring likes to work to bring flowers onto the bridge, but this year that will not happen. As many know, the Bridge is in very bad condition and in desperate need of repair. Happily, there are other pleasantries that the Bridge will give us.


We Made a Garden by Margery Fish

  • Post published:03/29/2024
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We Made a Garden by Margery Fish

I came across this book some time ago, but somehow I did not dig into it until now. We Made a Garden was first published in England in 1956.  Margery and Walter Fish both loved working in their new garden. They gave us quite a useful tale of how to put their garden together. (more…)

Beautiful Hellebores Bring Beauty to Very Early Spring

  • Post published:03/19/2024
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A Pink Hellebore

Hellebores are amazing flowers, coming in different sizes and colors and shapes.  They begin to bloom very early, and don’t mind the cold at all. Light and dappled light is important. I used to worry about that but  now I don’t clear away all the dead tree leaves until the flowers are actually beginning to bloom. (more…)

Spring is Coming!

  • Post published:03/05/2024
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I was was preparing to get in our car when I saw this beautiful hellebore beginning to bloom. I was a little worried about continuing to shelter these flowers, but I have not cleared away all the leaves because the weather is very rainy. I will be able to clear out those leaves soon!


Back To Beijing, And Off To The Ocean – 1989

  • Post published:03/01/2024
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Trip to the Ocean

After our trip to Kenya we worked our way back to Beijing. Things were quiet and seemed normal despite the soldiers on every corner. So we were ready to get back to work. But we were given a seaside vacation before we set to work. These are friends who also had done quite a bit of travelling.
