A Summer Garden Filled With Joy

  • Post published:07/22/2024
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Visitors are Arriving

On Sunday Henry and I drove up to Heath, our old farmland, to join our good friends – with children – on  a glorious day. For 30plus years we lived with wonderful  people in our little town. (more…)

Cecropia Caterpillar in the Summer

  • Post published:07/12/2024
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Cecropia Caterpillar

I was told that Cecropia caterpillars eat and grow all summer, molting four times and changing color from black to yellow to green. I then remembered that last year, when I visited my friend Susan, she showed me little black creatures who have more colors to follow. This year when we visited Susan we were looking at green caterpillars – because the colors have changed from other shades. They can grow to four or five inches long. and this one is not quite that big yet. (more…)

My Roses Have Been Blooming

  • Post published:06/18/2024
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Lion’s Fairy Tale

We  have been enjoying the special spot where we can watch our roses growing together in the area outside the kitchen door. Lion’s Fairy Tale has pink and creamy shades with an apricot center. (more…)

Greenfield Garden Club Tour 2024

  • Post published:06/14/2024
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Linda and Chris’s Garden

The Greenfield Garden Club Tour gave us surprises and beauties. Our first stop in Greenfield surprised us  with an array  of beautiful flowers.  “From the early yellow narcissus of April to the last lavender-blue asters in November there is a lush tapestry of color, texture and shape.” This house was  on a road above the house I lived in years ago, and it was a big surprise. (more…)

Time for Dahlias

  • Post published:05/27/2024
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Me and Flower-Tone

I finally paid attention to the dahlia roots  that  I had kept in a paper bag in the basement all winter. This was my first time of being familiar with dahlias. Now I am going to learn how to handle these roots. I was happy to find Flower-Tone at the Greenfield Farmer’s Coop. (more…)