Greenfield Garden Club Garden Tour!

  • Post published:05/23/2024
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Flowers in the Garden

This morning I walked through the garden to see what flowers I could bring to our friends, BJ and Dan. As I began I was  a little alarmed but I walked. And I did find a few lovely things. I do like the tall viburnum with  its lacy flower, and as I strolled I also found golden Geum, Bleeding Heart. primrose, and Icelandic poppy. There will be more. (more…)

Golden Flowers in My Garden

  • Post published:05/07/2024
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Wood Poppy

There has been so much  sun recently that I must show off the early flowers of gold. This is the Wood Poppy that sits on our Hugle where it shows off its gold. I will talk about the use of a Hugle very soon. (more…)

Finding Beauty in a Woodland

  • Post published:04/27/2024
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Lots of work

I hope many people heard about Wisty Rorabacher and her restoration work at the Green River swimming area in Greenfield. Here she was showing me how to kill  bad invasive plants and help beautiful local plants. The invasive Japanese Knotweed can get very large, and Wisty helped show me, and my husband, how to get rid of those. It takes a lot of time. (more…)

Surprise! Said the Morning

  • Post published:04/12/2024
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Surprise was not what I expected

I looked out the window this morning and got a big surprise! As I write it is still raining. Yesterday I was moving soil around to fill in spots that had shrunk. As you may know, after we had been in our new house (9  years ago) we learned that children loved coming into the backyard with their  ice skates. And  that is how we learned that we have a very wet garden. But we do carry on! (more…)