So Many Daylilies in My Garden!

  • Post published:07/04/2024
  • Post comments:3 Comments
Golden Ruffles

My garden has many, MANY, daylilies with beautiful colors. They are blooming more and more every day.

Red and Flame

This is one of my favorite daylilies.

Flowers Die. You can see one of these flowers has died, but every daylily will die in a couple of days, but another daylily  will come every day and give us joy.

Pink With Ruffles

This daylily makes me think  of a young dancer.  Do you think of daylilies like that?

More Red and Gold

I love these colors. Daffodils are wonderful flowers with so many colors and shades.

Lots of Flowers!

This is as close as I could get to show an array.

Our garden has a Rose Garden in a small area where water does not drown. Daylilies have more room in the rest of our garden, and  don’t mind the water that often spreads itself around.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. betsyr19

    I love all the different colors of the daylilies too! Beautiful!

  2. Beth Stetenfeld

    They are gorgeous! Others are posting about Daylilies lately, too. Mine are just starting to bloom and are such a welcome sight, along with the Asiatic Lilies. 🙂

  3. Pat

    Beth – We have been having lots of rain – and Sun. Today the daylilies seem taller and higher! It is wonderful to watch them change.

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