Daylily Festival on Pickett Lane, Greenfield

  • Post published:07/06/2017
  • Post comments:5 Comments
Daylily Festival on Pickett Lane
Daylily Festival on Pickett Lane

It’s time for the Annual Daylily Festival at 23 Picket Lane in Greenfield. There will be vendors selling their arts and crafts as well. The garden opens at 9 am and the Festival will close at 4 pm.

Visitors can walk through the woods that Richard Willard has been clearing and weeding for several years, or you an take a buggy ride out to the daylily fields. Daylilies are marvelous plants, beautiful in many shades and colors and they not only tolerate drought, they are very happy in the wet. If you are building a rain garden daylilies will make it bloom. I know they will thrive in our flood plain. I’m including a very few of the daylilies I saw  today. Come on Saturday and decide which ones will brighten up your garden, and never cause you any trouble at all.

Daylily – blooms in July


Lavender daylily
Lavender daylily
Ruffled daylily
Ruffled daylily
Brilliant colors as well as pastels
Brilliant colors as well as pastels
Red and gold daylily
Red and gold daylily
Not all daylilies have the same petals.
Not all daylilies have the same petals.

Don’t forget! Saturday, July 8, 9-4 pm on Pickett Lane in Greenfield! Get an early bloomer, a mid-season bloomer and a late bloomer and have glory all summer long.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Denise

    I just dug up and threw out one of the first daylilies I bought over 40 years ago. It is Dance Ballerina Dance and it has never looked good in the garden because the flowers never fully opened. It has gazillions of buds, but I am past the point of gritting my teeth every time I walk by so I went out and dug it up. Daylilies are my favorite. Just not that one, lol.

  2. Pat

    Denise – This sounds like another one of those garden mysteries. Or successful marketing of a poor cultivar. I applaud your decision to remove it.

  3. Nan

    Just the best flower ever! Always beautiful, with no demands.

  4. Dee

    They are such wonderful plants, aren’t they?

  5. Pat

    Dee – It turns out I cannot resist buying a daylily or two every year. This year I added 7!

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