Now that I have begun a Daylily Bank I have been paying more and more attention to the daylily family. Hyperion is a tall classic bright yellow daylily. Mine was given to me many years ago by my dear friend and mentor, Elsa Bakalar.

Ice Capades, a pale icy yellow, joined Hyperion on my new Daylily Bank last summer.

The Daylily Bank was my excuse for buying several new daylilies like Siloam Double Classic. This grows to about 20 inches and is frillier than most of my daylilies.
I bought Crimson Pirate from Lorraine Brennan on Route 10 in Northfield last year. She sells beautiful clumps of beautiful daylilies two weekends a year. You can see the daylilies in bloom and know just what you are getting. This weekend, July 17-18 she will be open again, 10 to 1 pm. Needless to say I have lost the names of some of the daylilies I bought; I might just have to call them Brennan daylilies. Not all of them are in bloom yet.

I have a red daylily that is very similar to this one that I admired at the Buffalo Botanical Garden, but I don’t know the names of either one. Now I just want to show some of the beautiful daylilies I saw last week, a preview of the Buffalo Garden Walk. If you want to see photos of many of the gardens we visited on our preview weekend logon to Buffa10 for many links.

I had to look twice at this. I’m wondering if it Siloam Double Classic that I have in my own garden.

I am mostly using red and pale colors on my Daylily Bank but this fiery gold is really tempting. If only I knew the name.

Lavender is not my favorite color, but in the garden it appeals.

It’s sad that I took the train to Buffalo and couldn’t buy this beautiful Lemon Madeline daylily I saw at Lockwoods Greenhouses. The graceful form would be unusual on my Daylily Bank.

I also saw Stephanie Returns at Lockwoods. I just learned that Dr. Darrel Apps is the hybridizer who created several reblooming daylilies. I already have Rosy Returns and yellow Happy Returns. There is a Red Hot Returns and Big Time Happy. I’ll be keeping my eyes open for these. These are not the only daylilies I have in my garden, or that I saw in the other gardens of Buffalo, but you can count on others showing up here now and then. Daylilies are about the most carefree flowers you can grow and hybridizers have made it possible to have daylilies in bloom from spring to fall.
Your mystery daylily is possibly ” Pirate’s
Gold” . I saw something very similar in the
Gilbert H. Wild and Son catalog.