Our Unexpected Swamp

  • Post published:12/18/2023
  • Post comments:6 Comments
The Flowing Garden

This morning I  woke up and it was quite dark. I looked out the window and saw the heavy rain that was filling our backyard garden.  The picture looks like the rain is no longer falling, but it is still raining gently.

View from the Backyard

The view is very different from this angle.  Something had to be done with deepening water.

Organizing the flow

My husband waded out in the water where it was flowing next to our neighbor’s driveway. He pushed away lots of the leaves and the water began to flow faster.

The Long Flow

I was amazed to watch how much easier the water flowed, moving past the shrubs when it was easier to reach the driveway. I went out later to see if I could clear more of the leaves – and it did help.

When we were both back in the house we got a phone call. The Town called to say that the sewage treatment plant was overflowing into the river. We also got word that our daughter Betsy had complimented Greenfield for complying with the Notification laws.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Norma & Steve

    Those are extraordinary pictures of the lake in your back yard! Sending you lots of love and hoping the water stays outside where it belongs! Norma & Steve

  2. Emily

    Oh dear- I hope it drains quickly!

  3. MF Hatte

    I’m having similar problems. I’ve lived at my house in Greenfield for 35 years, and the water has definitely increased over time. There’s just more of it, I think, probably due to climate change. My sump pump works all year long, and my garden paths are often under water now.

  4. Beth@PlantPostings

    Oh gosh, this has happened in other years, too, right? I hope it will drain/dry quickly. Take care.

  5. Pat

    Emily – The flood is starting to dry up. Henry pushed all the leaves away next to our neighbor’s driveway and the flooding does help send the water into the street.

    Beth – This has happened every year we have lived here. Actually, before we bought the house, the young neighbors used the frozen backyard to go ice skating. Can’t do that anymore!

  6. Dave and Suzi

    Ice skating rink in the winter and a wading pool in the summer. What’s not to like? Glad to see that Henry is finally doing some work around the house.

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