Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – May 15, 2020

  • Post published:05/14/2020
  • Post comments:8 Comments
Fringed bleeding hearts
Fringed Bleeding Hearts

On this beautiful sunny, but cool Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day in Massachusetts, I’ll take you along on my morning walk. The fringed bleeding heart has been blooming for a month against our house foundation.

Doronicum, forget-me-nots and an epimedium near the front corner of the house.
Nameless Daffodils are scattered among the low growing conifers in front of the house
Hellebore, in front of our new fence
Off to the back garden past dandelions, violets and gill over the ground
grape hyacinths
The grape hyacinths are going wild. Two friends have helped themselves.
Bistort is an energetic plant with pink wands waving
Fothergilla is just beyond the grape hyacinths and bistort
Phlox stolonifera
Phlox stolonifera, a lovely creeping phlox, a great ground cover.
Bleeding heart 'Goldheart'
‘Goldheart’ Bleeding Heart is just on the other side of the Southern Planting bed
Jacob's ladder
Jacob’s ladder is the only plant in bloom on the middle planting bed
A new poppy blooming near the quince on the third planting bed
This quince planted last year is fully 6″ tall. I think it will grow.
Troillus at the back of the third planting bed.
Geum grows opposite the troillus. I love geum, and more is on its way.
Primroses are fading at the back of the planting bed
Fairy bells
Fairy Bells are right near the the troillus. I don’t know a proper name. I bought them at the Bridge of Flowers plant sale, years ago
Summer snowflake
Leucojum aestivum or Summer Snowflake – but I don’t feel any summer yet.
Solomon's seal
Solomon’s Seal tucked in its own corner. Spreading slowlyl
At the very back of the garden, on the Hugel, wood poppies, and barren strawberries are still blooming

I thank Carol over at May Dreams Gardens, for giving us Bloom Day, giving us all a chance to see what is blooming all over our great land.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Lisa

    You have quite a selection of plants I haven’t seen on other blogs today! I love your 6″ quince!

  2. Pat

    Lisa – Thank you for visiting. Lots of kinds of plants – that’s what you get when your husband is not a lawn connoisseur!

  3. plantbirdwoman

    I love the looks of your early spring garden. Some of the plants you feature – leucojum, for example – bloomed here back in February. We are on the cusp of summer now. You have all that to look forward to!

  4. Tina

    So many beautiful blooms! Some of those grow here, though much earlier, of course. I love that ‘Goldheart’ Bleeding Heart–just stunning.

  5. Pat

    Tina – I am really lucky with that Goldheart. Last fall I thought it was a goner. Thanks for visiting.

  6. Pretty! Those Grape Hyacinths are really showing off!
    Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!

  7. Pat

    Lea – this is the second year of those grape hyacinths and they should have known they were supposed to creep only. However, having lept, we have grape hyacinths to share.

  8. Ray

    Golden bleeding heart? Never heard of it, but it’s beautiful! I always think that the muscari is under appreciated, and am glad to find someone else who,likes it.

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