Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – July 15, 2020

  • Post published:07/15/2020
  • Post comments:8 Comments
Delphiniums  on Bloom Day

I don’t know how we got to July already this year, but here we are at Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day on July 15, 2020. These two delphiniums are the last standing plants, helped  a little bit by the wiggly stakes. If you are going to grow delphiniums you need stakes and pray for gentle rains, not torrents. That is  a  wonderful Lonicera, honeysuckle, behind the delphiniums.

Coreopsis, coneflowers and Blue Paradise phlox
Coreopsis, echinacea and Blue Paradise phlox

Here we are with three kinds of flower living happily with each other.

Aesclepius, physostogeia, and zinnias
Aesclepius, zinnias, and obedient plant

I’m always happy to see a neighborhood of friendly plants. Pretty soon the cardinal flowers will be joining them.

Pink daylilies
Pink daylilies

I have lots of daylilies in bloom and I will not show all of them. I like having all the different colors and forms as well as the fact that some of them are bloom into the fall.

Orange daylily
Orange daylily – don’t ask me about names for any of the daylilies.
frilly daylily
Another frilly daylily

The raspberries aren’t bloomers, but I am  so happy with my raspberry patch. I have picked almost a quart every day for the past five days. Delicious!  I wish I knew the names of the varieties. Long forgotten. Thank you Nourse berry farm.

And thank you Carol over at May Dreams Gardens. With Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day you have  given us all the gift of visiting beautiful gardens  across the country every month.



This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Gone Tropical

    Happy July Bloom Day! your lilies are lovely and the raspberries sure look delicious

  2. plantbirdwoman

    Ah, those raspberries do look yummy! You have a lovely diversity of blooms there. Happy Bloom Day.

  3. Lea's Menagerie

    Beautiful flowers, and how wonderful to grow raspberries!
    Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!

  4. Arun Goyal

    I loved those double pink day lilies very much from all other blooms.

  5. Pat

    Arun – thank you for visiting. It is fun to visit and see such different gardens.

  6. Pat

    Lea – I love those raspberries!

  7. Ray

    Yes, I have some weaklings plants that need some support too. I try to not grow them here because summer thunderstorms with heavy rains love our town. Your garden seems lush, cool and inviting for summers.

  8. Pat

    Ray – I’ll be glad when the cool part clicks in a little more firmly. Thanks for visiting.

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