My Roses on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – June 15, 2020

  • Post published:06/15/2020
  • Post comments:7 Comments
Bloom Day
On Bloom Day I applaud my Sage plant. You can see Zaide and Knock Out red roses in the background

On this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, most of my bloomers are roses, but this sage plant is right outside the back door and I love it! I’ll never use that much sage, but it is beautiful.

Zaide, Kordes
Zaide, a Kordes rose

Zaide is one of my favorite roses. I appreciate that it was more than 30 years ago that the German Kordes hybridizers were making sturdy disease resistant roses that  would not need insecticides. They were way ahead of the US in creating plants that did not harm our environment.

Lion's Fairy Tale
Lion’s Fairy Tale, a Kordes floribunda

Lion’s Fairy Tale is just about to bloom. I moved this rose last spring to make room for a redbud. Then this winter and early spring the spot I chose  turned out to be wetter than I expected. We all know roses do not like to have wet feet. It did not look promising in March, but now I have great hopes  for a continuing life in this spot. I am looking forward to fragrance and big blooms.

Folksinger rose
Folksinger, a Buck rose

Dr. Griffith Buck, at Iowa University, was ahead of  his time in the 50’s hybridizing strong disease-resistant roses. Many of his roses are labelled Earth Kind. I had many of Buck’s roses when we lived in Heath. My space is very limited in Greenfield.

Knock Out red rose
Knock Out red rose

I think Knock Out red roses look better from a distance, I like this photo.  Knock Out roses also claim disease resistance.

Brother Cadfael rose
Brother Cadfael is a David Austin Rose

David Austin has many beautiful roses in many lush colors. I could not resist Brother Cadfael  late last summer. He is beginning to bloom, just in time for Bloom Day.

Coral Drift rose
Coral Drift rose

When we were just starting our new Greenfield garden I had a small space, and while wandering through a plant nursery I saw two cheerful ‘landscape roses.’  Drift is one company with roses in many shades.

Paprika rose
Paprika rose from Oso Easy

Paprika and Coral live prettily and happily in my small space, perfect for landscape roses.

I thank Carol of May Dreams Gardens who created Garden Bloggers Bloom Day so we could all share and admire each other’s gardens.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. krispeterson100

    Beautiful! My record with roses is very poor. I’m very tempted to try the Drift and Knock Out varieties to see if they’d handle my dry conditions.

  2. Arun

    Spectacular variety of roses ,Happy blooms day.

  3. Jeannie

    My vote for my favorite would go to the Zaide. It is beautiful and reminds me of my peonies…well, all of them are awesome.

  4. Ray

    I have to say the Folksinger rose is my favorite in your garden.

  5. Pat

    Ray – I have a hard time choosing a favorite rose, but after growing Folksinger in Heath, I had to have her here, too.

  6. Pat

    Jeannie – I love Zaide, too. The shade of pink and those tight ruffled blossoms. But of course, I like them all. Well, except for the knock out Red. I think I will take it out in the fall. It just doesn’t go with the other roses.

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