On this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, July 2013, most of the roses are pretty well done. That’s why we have the Annual Rose Viewing on the last Sunday of June.
The Fairy was just starting to bloom two weeks ago, but now she is looking great, and will remain in bloom for a good part of the summer.
The Purington rambler also starts to bloom at the very end of June, but is now cascading down the Rose Bank.
The Rose Bank is adjacent to the Day Lily Bank which is just beginning to come into its glory. It was planted to eliminate the need for mowing on the steep bank. The problem with this photo is you don’t get to enjoy the individual beauty of each of the interesting daylily colors and forms. A sampling follows. All names forgotten.
I wanted the Daylily Bank to have a gentler palette of colors, but there are a very few varieties like Ann Varner that are more dramatic.
Cosmos and garden phlox are just beginning to bloom. At least those phlox that have not been beheaded by the deer.
The Mothlight hydrangea is about seven or eight feet tall and full of boisterous bloom. The Switzerland Shasta daisy is also in full bloom. The Connecticut Yankee delphinium, is still floppy, though bred for greater sturdiness. Maybe it is all the rain, making the stems more tender.
I was looking forward to the first blooms on this three year old oakleaf hydrangea, and admired one unique blossom yesterday, but when I went out to take a photo early this morning, it was gone. Deer!
I have several yarrows in bloom, “Paprika’, a cranberry red, a deep gold variety and Achilea ‘The Pearl.’ ‘Terra Cotta’ is my favorite and grows right by the front door with a native yellow loosestrife. Not invasive.
This is the smaller of two veronicas. The tall one has just barely begun to bloom.
Last July I planted this beautiful white iris in the Front Garden where I could keep it watered, and where I could admire it during its short bloom period.
The other pink and white astilbes are fading, but this astilbe, Bressingham’s Beauty, is just starting.
After admiring it for years on the Bridge of Flowers, I planted this sea holly and I love it.
Our linden trees, otherwise known as basswood, tilia cordata, or lime trees and in bloom and the fragrance is heavenly.
These cream and pink petunias on the Welcoming Platform will stand in for the other potted plants, fuschia, lobelia, geraniums and salvia. My blooming plants are spread out over a large area, so I am always amazed that there are so many blooms in July.
Thank you Carol for hosting Bloom Day where May Dreams Gardens will show you what is in bloom all over the country. Click here.
It is dangerous going around looking at everyone’s GBBD post. I always see flowers I would love to add to my garden. Your garden looks so colorful. Happy GBBD.
Lovely flowers. The deer demolished my oak-leaved and Pinky-winky hydrangeas last wintr. They are coming back but I doubt I will see any blooms this year.
Lisa – That is why I love GBBD, too. In addition to just enjoying so many beautiful gardens.
Denise – It was the town plow that sliced my hydrangeas two winters ago when there were huge amounts of snow.
Oh, my! Roses and day lilies, and all those other fantastic blooms! Wonderful!
I especially like the Japanese iris.
Happy GBBD!
Lea’s Menagerie
Sea Holly has a couple of cute visitors. I really like the little Hover Flies. The lily bank is glorious. I am going to my local wholesale hybridizer next week and will look for that small ruffled pink. I never saw one like that and she has 700 varieties. Hope to get one. I have the small Veronica too and it never really gets to spreading like the bigger cousins. Roses are resting in our area too. Next flush is on the way.
Darn those pesky deer! Still, you have so many lovely blooms, Pat. I love the sea holly and am envious–I planted some last year, but it didn’t do well at all and didn’t return this year. Time to try again, I guess. Wow on the daylily bank! It’s ironic, but I was watching a local gardening show yesterday and they mentioned planting daylilies on banks as a means of erosion control, which I’d never thought of. Perhaps I can talk to husband into this–I worry every time he mows the deep ditch in front of our house.
Happy Bloom Day!
Wow, you have a nice collection of Daylilies! And I can only imagine how lovely your garden is when the Roses are at their peak of beauty. Happy GBBD!
Lea – the Japanese iris is spectacular. I bought it locally at a very tiny nursery – all irises.
Donna – I love the sea holly – which has been covered with all manner of insects – pollinators all, I am sure.
Rose – the Daylily Bank is a beauty – and I did specifically choose the paler colors. My husband loves! it, especially since I did most of the installation myself, with a little help from daughters.
PP – The daylilies are definitely the highlight now – and much easier to capture with a camera than the Rose Walk.
Look at that lily bank! Holy Toledo!
Pat, Your garden is lovely! The sea holly is especially striking. I would love to see your daylily bank up close. Happy Bloom Day!
I love pink in the garden, and envy you your collection of pink roses. Even your pink daylilies are gorgeous – and I’ve never been able to find a pink daylily that I like. A shame you’ve lost the name!
Love that daylily with the purple throat. Your daylilies provide some consolation as the roses fade.
Cosmos and phlox make a lovely ethereal combination. Drat those pesky deer!
I really hate deer. Hate ’em. Love your blooms. You need a deer chasing dog like my Maddie.~~Dee
Love, love, love your garden…unfortunately the deer love it too….mine have been absent but I bet they will be round soon…