Cecropia the Moth

  • Post published:06/04/2024
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Cecropia Mating

I came to visit my friend Susan who wanted to  show me the Cecropias out in her gardens.  As you look at this shelter you will see two Cecropia who are mating – right through the wire.


These Cecropia, male and female, are mating out in the garden and will soon die.  The Cecropia moth is the largest native moth in North America. It is a member of the giant silk moth Saturniidae family. They get their name from the silkiness of their cocoons. Like many creatures they are endangered; it is important that we all become aware of the importance of protecting native creatures, and plants.

Cecropia cocoonsThis box contains Cecropia cocoons after their  occupants had flown.

“The cecropia moth’s life cycle lasts one year, but adult cecropia moths only live for about two weeks. This is because adult cecropia moths, like other giant silk moths, lack functional mouthparts and a digestive system, so they can’t eat or drink once they emerge from their cocoons. Instead, their sole purpose as adults is to find a mate and reproduce. Female cecropia moths release pheromones that can attract males up to a mile away, and males can use their sensitive antennae to detect the pheromones. Mating usually takes place in the early morning and can last until evening. After mating, the female spends most of the rest of her life laying eggs.”


In addition to the Cecropia there are many flowers in the garden, all types of flowers. These are irises.  My husband and I were having a great time getting to see the many kinds of flowers that Susan has cared for.

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