During snowy January winters (and it is snowing as I write) I start to get itchy, longing to see flowers the garden. That is impossible of course, but what I can do is think about I can plant that will bloom very early in the spring.
Witch hazel (Hamamelis) is a shrub that blooms when there is no other flower in sight. It immediately comes to mind because a neighbor has a witch hazel growing and blooming in front of her house in February and into March. I only have another month to wait before I can see those sunny yellow blooms and feel that winter is well on its way out.
There are different witch hazels. Hamamelis virginiana is a native and begins to bloom in November. This is the only one that blooms in the fall.
The majority of vernal (Ozark), Chinese and Japanese witch hazels typically flower sometime from January into March. All witch hazel shrubs produce similar flowers with twirly, little petals. There are also intermedia witch hazels that result from crosses between the Japanese and Chinese species.Th
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’ with its colorful orange/red petals is considered one of the best cultivars blooming in late fall. “Diane’ is another cultivar with beautiful autumnal color. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’ has pale twirly blossoms. Many of these shrubs do not grow taller than twelve feet. The spread can vary.
When locating a site for a witch hazel it is vital to find a sunny spot. It will not thrive in the shade.
Witch hazels also have a reputation as divining or dowsing rods. Even in these modern days well diggers will use a witch hazel limb to walk over a possible space where they might find water. I have a friend who has shown me her skill as a dowser many times. In fact I have to tell you that she is able to dowse with a needle and a map, as well as with a dowsing rod. Truly!
I am not the only one who appreciates witch hazel. Nature writer Edwin Way Teale once described it as a “botanical individualist.” I also learned that Robert Frost gave witch hazel a mention in his poem “Reluctance.”
The Lyman Plant House at Smith College has a who array of wonderful plants including a Bulb Show in the spring, and a Chrysanthemum Show in the fall.
What makes a good dowsing rod is a tree or shrub that form a V which is of similar thickness and flexibility. This also means that they have to be cut fresh for every job. For this reason many dowsers use V or Y rods made of plastic or L shaped rods made of metal, with a heavy wire L and a piece of pipe over the short leg of the L to serve as a handle. This style has two advantages: it indicates directions without having to turn on one’s feet until the point of the V is in alignment with the sought direction, and it foils critics who claim that the dowsed is turning the rod and it is all a hoax. And as we all know, hoax-disseminators are exceedingly difficult to counter.
Mmmm, yes. Time to dream of spring…and plan for it, too! The witch hazels are fun, aren’t they?
Helen – I am so happy you gave us full information about dowsing. I hope all is well.
Beth – I’m glad my neighbor has a witch hazel because it is so encouraging, but I have NO ROOM for another shrub.
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