Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – September 15, 2019

  • Post published:09/15/2019
  • Post comments:1 Comment
Asters in the mist

On this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day I went out into the garden in the mist to take my photos. These asters just started blooming on the ‘hellstrip.’  A few other plants are  blooming like the coneflower and a pink phlox.

Hydrangea plus

The Firelight hydrangea (one of three hydrangeas) is getting pinker every day. Blooming flowers around her include a helenium, Grandpa Ott’s morning glory, a delphinium and a pink  honeysuckle. A lot is still going on in the garden.

Anemone ‘Robustissima’

I love Robustissima, even when she is knocked down  by last night’s rain.


Name lost. Maybe ‘Neon’?  She doesn’t seem very Neon-ish.

Zinnias, cosmos and marigolds

These annuals are growing on a bed where all the perennials drowned last year. I love looking at this melange from my kitchen window. I’m planning to keep them there.

Black eyed susans

These black eyed susans somehow jumped from the big clump in the nearby bed. I think black eyed susans will have to leave.

Purple Rain Kordes rose
Purple Rain rose

There are still a few scattered roses like Purple Rain.


Can I call these ripening raspberries ‘blooming’?  I am surprised to have them so late in the year, but the bushes are full.

I want to thank Carol over at May Dreams Gardens and giving us the chance to see gardens all over this great land.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Lisa

    Those are pretty black-eyed Susan, paler yellow than mine. I will guess a “hell strip” is a side walk strip? I’ve never heard of them called hell strips!

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