Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – October 15, 2019

  • Post published:10/15/2019
  • Post comments:7 Comments
Boltonia and Zinnias
Boltonia and zinnias with hidden snapdragons, marigolds and cosmos on Bloom Day

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day on this beautiful autumnal day if full of flowers, but night time temperatures, 45 degrees at 6 am, remind us that autumn can be a very short season. The flower bed above was created after all the perennials, and my beautiful weeping cherry drowned in the rains and garden flooding last fall, and  in the spring. These annuals were just a stopgap while I rethought the space, but I have loved looking at all these colorful flowers from my kitchen window, above the counter where I spend a fair amount of time. I may very well recreate it next year.

Asters – here and there. Don’t ask me what kind, Not much more than 12 inches tall.
Alma Potchke aster
Alma Potchke. a tall brilliant aster for cheer and a long season
Sheffies or Sheffield Daisies just Starting to Bloom.  Talk about late season bloomers.
Thomas Affleck rose
Thomas Affleck rose

Roses are scattered here and there including the Drift roses, The Fairy and others, but I will only show my favorites. I am always surprised at the number of roses still blooming on Bloom Day.

Kordes Polar Express rose
Kordes Polar Express survived after a transplanting adventure
Folksinger rose
Buck Folksinger rose, very hardy, beautiful shades of white/pink/peach. Very mysterious.

There are a few other bloomers, a wine red yarrow, coreopsis,  a deep blue Centaurea montana and a surprising creamy white foxglove.

I thank Carol over at May Dreams Gardens who created Bloom Day so we can all see what is blooming over our great land.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. plantbirdwoman

    Such lovely autumn blossoms. I enjoyed strolling through your garden today.

  2. Lisa

    Beautiful asters. I’ve been seeing a lot of Bloom Day asters, and need to find out about getting some for myself!

  3. Pat

    plantbirdwoman – Thank you for visiting. I think gardens are all about strolling.

  4. Pat

    Lisa – Asters aren’t hard to find and they come in all heights and colors. I like wandering in online flower catalogs like

  5. Beth@PlantPostings

    Your annual bed is special. I can see why you want to repeat it next year. 🙂 That Thomas Affleck rose has an interesting shape, and your other roses are beautiful, too.

  6. Arun Goyal

    Lovely asters..Happy Blogger blooms day.

  7. Pat

    Beth – Thomas Affleck is a beautiufl and very hardy rose. I love it.

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