After long wet and cold months we may finally celebrate the arrival of official spring on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day here in Greenfield, Massachusetts. All of a sudden the budded roses burst into bloom, and before the weekend is over I think even more roses will be blooming.

Paprika is one of the two low growing landscape roses in the garden. Peach Drift is the other. Both were eager to welcome the spring.

Siberian irises are blooming here and there in the garden. They are among the water tolerant plants that we count on. Now for a walk through the garden.

I love Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day and Carol over at May Dreams Gardens for inventing this wonderful way of seeing what is in bloom across our great nation.
Oh Pat, you have chosen your plants well for your wet garden. I have tried primroses so many places in my garden and not one have survived. Now I know why. Much too dry here. I have also tried the goatsbeard, no grow here. It is fun to see the diversity of your plants. Your roses are stunning. Of course I knew you would find a place for roses. Happy GBBD.
Beautiful blooms! I especially like the Roses.
Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
Pleasent roses and beautiful honeysuckle in backyard …what else life wants…HAPPY BLOOMS DAY.
Lisa – I am sorry your primroses did not survive. Water is the answer and I have plenty! Right now we are trying to raise the soil level a little. But it will still be wet. The roses have the only dry spot and unfortunately it is not a large area.
Lea – I am very happy with these roses – and eager to see the other three come into bloom.
Reading blog was a global tour from Siberia to Japan.
I can almost smell your gorgeous roses in the first photo. I am not familiar with the low growing landscape roses, and will need to look into them if they are not as high maintenance as the other types.
Ray – the landscape roses should not be difficult to find. Their low maintenance makes them very popular. Thanks for visiting.
Yenna – Everyone – all over the world – love gardens!
I bought and read Elsa Bakalar’s A Garden of One’s Own and watched her video that came with it!! My teenage sons and I were addicted!
Growing up on the farm down the road from me I loved all things nature. The smell of dirt (even ate it) crops, fields and walking with my Annie Oakley outfit next to my Dad through the fall field hunting pheasant. I built my home a started with a cottage bed at my front porch. I couldn’t stop and one garden after another, my entire 1 1/4 property is gardens!! I’m moving and started reading Elsa’s Book again. I’m dividing and taking as much as possible and planning on a large bed similar to Elsa’s. My new home is an estate house and a brand new horse barn. 7.7 acres
Linda – I know how it is wonderful to know about Elsa’s book. It is her first one (I don’t think there was a second) and she was very happy and I also was thrilled with the sight of all the beauties. I wish you well with horses, and more beautiful flowers.