On this sunny, cool (72 degrees) but breezy, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, bloom is beginning to arrive. These stocks are in the Herb Bed right in front of the house, where there is also an array of potted geraniums, petunias and such. They are not doing terribly well because the weather remains so cool.
Calsap will stand in for all the plants in the corner that have gone by, the 2 tree peonies, as well as Boule de Neige and Rangoon rhodies. The herbaceous peonies are late, but there are a couple of fat buds. The advantage to me, and visitors to the Annual Rose Viewing on June 29 is that there will be lots of peony bloom, as well as rose bloom.
Siberian irises are just beginning. White ones too.
I didn’t really have any idea of the delicacy of this martagon lily when I bought it from Old House Gardens. This is my first bloom year with it and it is only about 3 feet tall, but it is said to need some patience. Perhaps next year it will be a bit taller. I think it is just beautiful.
I’ve mislabelled this elsewhere, but this is the ‘Agnes’ the first of the rugosas to bloom. The rugosas in general are the first roses to bloom and I have quite a few.
Another rugosa, Scabrosa, is spreading every which way on the Rose Walk.
Therese Bugnet is a dependable rugosa, even after like the winter we have just “enjoyed.”
Blanc Double de Coubert, a popular white rugosa took a beating this winter, but it is reviving.
On the other hand, Dart’s Dash is spreading beautifully on the Rose Bank. You can see the distinctive ribbed rugosa foliage on all these plants. No bugs. No disease.
Purington’s Pink is a rose that just exploded. You can see all the new growth in this photo. It didn’t mind the winter at all. Purington Pink was given to me by Herb and Barbara Purington who farm in Colrain.
Rose season is just beginning. Other perennials in bloom are May Night Salvia, Joan Elliot campanula, Achillea Paprika, trollius, and a host of volunteer pansies. I do not object to pansies or any other volunteers. I do object to deer that have eaten lily buds, Japanese anemone and veronicas!
Thank you Carol for hosting Garden Bloggers Bloom Day over at May Dreams Gardens. There is a lot to see in gardens all across the nation at this time of year.
Your blooms are all wonderful and I love the captures of the bee and ant in the roses. Your Rhododendron ‘Calsap ’Happy and Siberian Iris are showstoppers as well. Happy GBBD to you!
Your Martagon lily looks very happy. This is one lily I don’t have, but it’s on my wish list. How nice to have peonies ready to bloom! Looks like your roses are all ready for their viewing in a couple of weeks. Love all the bees in the photos, too!
Lee – You should see the fabulous clump of Siberian iris that grow in our field. No idea how they got there. A thinning thrown away?
Rose – Lots of pollinators up here on the hill. I don’t know why the deer didn’t eat the Martagon lily. The foliage is quite different.
What a delightful garden to visit. A first year lily is just a preview of things to come.
Pat, it’s all looking so good. My roses have already finished, and I deadheaded them. I’m now hoping they’ll bloom some more before the heat hits. We’ve gotten rain though so I’m not complaining. Happy Bloom Day!
Despite your saying it is still cold there you have lovely colors already and they look so healthy. I love most those pristine white lilies. I wish your cold can be diverted here so ours will be not as hot!
I enjoyed seeing your beautiful variety of flowers for Bloom Day, so many that are difficult for me to grow in my climate, such as rhododendrons and peonies. I especially love your Martagon Lilies. The Regal Lily seems to be the only “true lily” type that I can grow. But I am very happy with it. Enjoy your time in the garden!
Nell – It seems it always takes a year for plants to begin to hit their stride.
Dee- You have two rose seasons! I’m jealous.
Andrea – The cold weather delayed strawberry season which is very good news for the Rose Viewing on June 29. I always try to serve fresh local strawberries along with the cookies and lemonade.
Dorothy – It is so frustrating to love plants out of one’s own growing zone. But the Regal Lily is always something to celebrate.
I love watching my yard growing and in full color. There are so many wonderful flowers to add that can turn heads. Creeping phlox, creeping myrtle and rhododendrons all are amazing when in full bloom.