On this June Garden Bloggers Bloom Day we feel summer has finally come to our hill in western Massachusetts. Consistent warm weather has been a long time coming and some plants show cold damage that arrived all too late in the season. This section of our lawn remains a flowery mead because I have planted daffodils here and we have to wait this long before mowing down the spent daffodil foliage.
At this time of the garden season we are madly preparing for the Annual Rose Viewing on June 28. This year it is the Last Rose Viewing because we will be moving to Greenfield very soon. This rugosa rose, Apart, is as beautiful and fragrant as ever, but the bush did take a winter beating and is rather smaller than usual.
Harrison’s Yellow is one of the earliest bloomers. There won’t be much left by the Rose Viewing.
Therese Bugnet has the delightful energetic spread of the rugosas, but her foliage is a bit smaller and finer. She is wonderfully fragrant. Other roses aare blooming, Dart’s Dash rugosa, two unamed but vigorous roses, one low and one tall, Rosa Rubrifolia (or Glauca), yellow Alchymist, Woodslawn Pink, and Purinton Pink.
Thomas Affleck is an astonishing rose, blooming early and late. I planted him near the door because the catalog promised fragrance, but that has never appeared. You can see there is a little cold damage from a night or two ago. More roses have yet to bloom.
This isn’t a great photo of my favorite white rugosa, tall and fragrant Mount Blanc, or the iris, but I wanted to give them both credit for helping with bloom day. There are white and blue Siberian irises blooming here and there. I’ll take some to Greenfield for the new garden.
Years ago I moved all the peonies I had planted right in front of the house. Somehow I left a bit of peony root – which has grown into this beautiful clump, surrounded by weeds, right next to the vegetable garden – also in dire need of weeding. The very pretty white lady’s bedstraw is a curse. Many of the peonies in the ‘new’ Peony Bed are late varieties – so chosen to make sure there is another spectacular plant in bloom for the Rose Viewing.
These foxgloves were given to me by a friend in the middle of last summer. They endured transplanting at an inauspicious season and are beautiful in this season.
This is the first daylily to bloom on the Daylily Bank in front of the house. This will start to be a full Bank of Bloom once we get into July. I have brought a couple of these plants to the new garden in Greenfield.
As you can see, this clump of Joan Elliott has not been deterred by dividing and removing. Bits of root continue to grow and make flowers. I’m taking a bit of Joan from the lawn to Greenfield as well.
Several native columbines are blooming here and there. These are not the fancy columbines, but I treasure these – in white, pink and purple as well as this red and yellow. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day gives me a chance to praise these modest flowers.
I can’t find the name of this tall, large allium. I won’t plant it among the peonies ever again.
The blue of ‘May Night’ seems blue-er this spring.
This clump of Trollius is paler than others, but lovely all the same.
The large mock orange is planted at the corner of the Cottage Ornee where its fragrance can waft inside.
Every day we are closer to the Last Rose Viewing. Applejack will greet visitors as they arrive. This is one of the oldest roses at the End of the Road.
This is the last June Garden Bloggers Bloom Day at the End of the Road, but there will be many more to come in Greenfield. I thank Carol at May Dreams Gardens for giving us all the chance to show off our bloomers all across this great land. To see more click here.
This garden is so beautiful. I know in some ways you are bound to be sad to leave it. I hope you have time to take cuttings and to pot up some of the plants you will want in your new garden. I will be anxious to read all about the new garden. Happy GBBD.
Beautiful blooms Pat. Thank you for posting.
Dear Pat~~I’m a fan living in Florence. I have been reading your blog for a few years, now. I have learned so much—often through your book recommendations. I happen to grow this “mystery allium.” Here is a link with its various IDs:
I, too, love growing old roses. I had the pleasure of attending one of your annual rose viewing a few years ago. And I, too, am planning to leave my garden in the hands of others. I came across this poem by Robert Frost. I thought of you.
On the Sale of My Farm
by Robert Frost
Well-away and be it so,
To the stranger let them go.
Even cheerfully I yield
Pasture, orchard, mowing-field,
Yea and wish him all the gain
I required of them in vain.
Yea and I can yield him house,
Barn, and shed, with rat and mouse
To dispute possession of.
These I can unlearn to love.
Since I cannot help it? Good!
Only be it understood,
It shall be no trespassing
If I come again some spring
In the grey disguise of years,
Seeking ache of memory here. 1911
Thank you for sharing your love and enthusiasm. I wish you all the best.
With love and admiration,
Hi, Pat, it seems like the last time I visited here, you were just coming out of the throes of winter. Wow, what a difference a few weeks makes! So many gorgeous blooms. I hope you will be able to take many of these to your new home, but someone is going to be very lucky to “inherit” so many beautiful roses.
Isn’t it lovely to have made it through the winter and have finally arrived at the lushness of June. Your flowers are beautiful — although this last June in your old garden must be bittersweet. Will you take any cuttings or divisions of favorite plants for the new garden?
I have that same allium in my upstate New York garden. It had faded out by GBBD. I know I have its name somewhere, but, right at the moment, I can’t find it. Best of luck with your upcoming move.
Your fancy Allium is lovely! Good luck on Rose viewing day
Lisa – I am indeed already moving some plants to the new garden – and buying lots of plants too.
Marjie – glad you could see a little bit of End of the Road Farm.
Rose – Winter left reluctantly – and even now things are cooler than usual – but I am not complaining. I put some divisions in the vegetable garden last fall and they look great this spring – and in a holding bed in Greenfield for now.
Jean – Yes, there is a bittersweet element, but when things get to be too much there is also relief in thinking about a more sustainable garden.
Alana – I have the name of that allium somewhere too but no time to look it up. Onward to new gardens.
Ivana – You and I are sharing the experience of something we have created and loved over the years. I have never taken a day of Heath’s beauties for granted. I’ve enjoyed them all and given thanks for all these years. And yet, I will leave without a regret thinking of the new people who will take charge of the beauties as well as the ‘rat and mouse’. The poem is very apt and I thank you for sending it on. I hope you will leave as freely and Frost and I. You have all my best wishes.