Blooming on February 15

Pieter de Leur

On this Bloom Day I have slightly more to show than usual.  The large tulip blossom in the photo is just about ready to fall apart, but you can see three more blossoms will carry on.

These grape hyacinths are sharing a pot with the little hoop daffodil. The revelation for me is how much foliage comes along with the grape hyacinths.  I have another tiny pot of muscari on the windowsill by my bed. All the bulbs for forcing I have used are from Brent and Becky’s.


There is no more dependable bloomer in every season that the lovely Abutilon or parlor maple. One attribute I have never mentioned is that this plant is ‘self-cleaning.’  I don’t have to prune off the spent flowers, they drop of their own accord. All I have to do is keep the floor swept.

Thank yous to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for inventing and hosting Bloom Day. Logon and see who else has flowers, even while the snow lies deep on the land.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Cyndy

    Hi Pat, We’re happy to have anything blooming, especially inside right now. Love the idea of bedside bulbs!

  2. Lisa at Greenbow

    Wow, your inside plants are working for you. Happy GBBD.

  3. linda

    Wonderful blooms! I especially love the abutilon. Happy Bloom Day Pat!

  4. Ramble on Rose

    I never really thought about muscari having lots of foliage…happy Bloom Day!

  5. Pat

    Cyndy – Bedside bulbs are a treat!
    Lisa – They are so cheering.
    Linda – That abutilon is amazing.
    Rose – The muscari foliage is so grass-like it is hard to distinguish when it grows in grass.

  6. Rose

    I’ve never thought of forcing grape hyacinths before, but yours look so pretty in that blue pot. You have made me vow that next year I’ll do more forcing of bulbs!

  7. Great to see your photos from snowy MA. I am in snow-covered Pennsylvania, but the temperature suddenly shot up and I managed to find some flowers outside. Happy GBBD, Carolyn

  8. Pat

    Rose – I copied the forced grape hyacinths from the clever Gloria Pacosa who I have blogged about before.
    Carolyn – We had blissfully warm temperatures yesterday and will again tomorrow, but it will be a while before I am even seeing bare earth.

  9. Aren’t abutilons pretty? I had one outdoors as the central feature in a large container. It was a wonderful terra cotta colour. However, I foolishly left it too long… and the frost got it. Enjoy yours, Pat.

  10. Darla

    I like that photo of the tulips.

  11. Pat

    Helen – I bring my abutilon outside in the summer, but I have to keep it where there is some shade, so it is never a central feature – just one of the crowd on the piazza.
    Darla – Just when I think that big tulip is finished it closes and starts all over again.

  12. I am not familiar with abutilions. Your plant looks like it is a great addition to an indoor winter garden.

  13. tangledbranches

    Echoing the comment about forcing muscari – why have I never tried this? Must fix that next spring! I would imagine the fragrance is powerful indoors? Large groups of them outside are almost overwhelming on a warm day.

  14. Pat

    Jennifer – Abutilons bloom every month of the year!
    Tangledbranches – Forced muscari are beautiful, but I haven’t noticed any fragrance. Maybe it depends on the variety.

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