On this second Bloom Day of 2012 I have very little to show. There is this white supermarket cyclamen that I bought in November that has more than seen me through the holidays, and the Wolf Moon. The wonderful thing about cyclamen is its long long winter bloom period.

On February 4th I attended a Garden Writers Meeting in Boston, where we not only got invigorating information and inspiration from Mary Kate Mackey, but gifts from various vendors like this container of Superbells ‘Grape Punch’ from Proven Winners. It is very healthy and floriferous. Yummy color.

I also got three little pots of this great native groundcover, tiarella ‘Octoraro’ from Plants Nouveau that is promised to cover 24 inches of ground. I have just the spot. Now all I have to do is keep these seedlings alive until they can be planted in the garden.
To see what else is blooming visit Carol, the brilliant inventor of Bloom Day, at May Dreams Gardens.
What fun to have such beautiful indoor blooms. The Cyclamen is outstanding. Happy GBBD.
Lisa – The cyclamen is one of the best houseplants I have ever grown.
Beautiful indoor blooms, Pat! I love your white cyclamen. I had a hot pink one for years – really should pick up another one. They are such stellar house plants, even when not in bloom. The foliage is so pretty.
I love cyclamen, but I’ve never had much luck keeping one very long–yours must be very happy at your home, Pat. How nice to get a headstart on spring with the new plants, too.
What beauties, Pat! The white cyclamen is so elegant. It sounds like you got your money’s worth with it and more. Good luck with the outdoor plants inside until they can go out. It certainly looks like you are keeping them happy.
Your gorgeous cyclamen is a terrific endorsement of supermarkets as sources for superior plant materials. Of course my assumption is based solely on this one cyclamen. It is reassuring to be reminded that diamonds in the rough abound.
Pat, What treats to plant in the garden this spring! Love the tiarella, it’s such a sweet plant and you will love it in your garden.
I love cyclamens, and my sweetie brought me a lovely grouping of them for Valentine’s Day. Your fall cyclamen looks great (my gardening companion thinks he’s figured out how to keep the spring florist’s variety through summer after success last year). I’m hoping he’s figured it out!
There is nothing a gardener likes more than some plant gifts. I hope they all do well for you in your garden. Tiarella is a new one but I fear it would not like our heat.
Linda – They are stellar indeed, especially the white variety.
Rose – This has only been alive for about three months – and I keep it in a cool room except when I am using it as decor.
Frances – Elegant is the word.
Peter – We must not disparage any source, just use a discriminating eye.
Gail – Tiarella is a native! You knew that.
Lisa – I have used the pink and red cyclamens at Valentine’s Day too,.
Rockrose – We must treasure the beautiful plants that are happy in our own climates.
Hi Pat,
I clicked on your name from your comment on my GBBD post, but was not able to get to any links, so I just did an internet search for you.
Your cyclamen is very pretty. I was surprised when I read when you bought it. If I had gotten it then, I’m afraid it wouldn’t loo that healthy. I should try one, though. I’m doing better with the holiday cacti than I used to.
Pretty plants, especially that beautiful cyclamen! I always think their blooms look like butterflies!
Have a great day!
Lea’s Menagerie