This Bloom Day is the coldest day of the winter so far. -4 degrees at 7 am. Still I have a few blooms to enjoy. This Christmas cactus is becoming quite magnificent and sits in the corner of our bedroom where it is one of the first things I see when I wake up.
We are still a little disorganized from the nearly completed work on our kitchen so this Christmas cactus is sitting it out in the Sitting Room which is on a separate heating zone and very cool. The small white cyclamen behind it that I bought for Christmas is really enjoying the cool temperatures.
The real surprise is this fuschia. I bought it in the spring and planted it along with a colcasia (elephant’s ear). I was potting them up in my new potting shed when I knocked a bag of perlite on top of the fuschia and broke off the main stem. I was so annoyed with myself, but planted what was left anyway. It took at least half the summer but new shoots appeared and finally in the fall it produced these blossoms. We had a long mild fall but finally I brought the pot in, minus the colocasia which had not done very well because I think our hilltop is just too cool. The fuscia continue to bloom in our unheated Great Room where it gets lots of sun, but very cool. This morning it is just about 32 degrees and the heat has automatically come on. The fuschia has been our great winter surprise.
For more blooms around the country visit clever Carol who thought up this great idea at May Dreams Gardens.
How wonderful that the fuschia recovered! Perfect for Bloom Day!
Lucky you to have some blooms in January. It has gone cold here too. Happy GBBD.
It’s always nice to have some indoor blooms to cheer you on cold days like this. Congrats on the fuschia! Stay warm!
Your Christmas cactus is beautiful. My cat has destroyed all but a stub of my late Mother’s Christmas cactus. I have moved it to a bedroom where I have to keep the door closed in order to keep the cat out. I hope it survives.