This tulip has changed even since I took the photo on Friday but Frank and the tulip look so pretty in the sun I had to include it here. The grassy shoots have no buds that I can see but that pan of Baby Moon daffodils should bloom soon. I hope.
When I complained last week about the bulbs I was forcing not responding to the force I kept sending their way I did not menton this Apricot Beauty which had produced a single bud. You can’t really tell from the photo but the other Apricot Beauties in this pot are also sending out buds. I hope they will be blooming next Sunday when I am supposed to bring them to church.
The pot of tulips next to Apricot Beauty that is not doing much is Yellow Baby, a ‘short, compact and fully double’ tulip which I am looking forward to.
Pieter de Leur is just the kind of bright red tulip that children cut out of construction paper in the spring. Mine are leaning a bit. I guess I haven’t managed to rotate them sufficiently in the window. One of the things that has amazed me is the way the flowers open and close slightly during the day. I understand that many flowers may close at the end of the day and open again in the morning, but I really hadn’t appreciated the amount of fluctuation during the day. That appreciation has been an un-anticipated benefit of the bulb forcing project.
This Minnow daffodil is so pretty and fragrant. I put my pencil holder in the photo just for scale. The plant itself is about eight inches tall so you can see the little bouquet of flowers is tiny. When I ordered these miniature bulbs I didn’t understand quite how tiny the flowers would be. Another learning lesson. You can see there will be other flowers soon. I found this odd little terra cotta pot at the transfer station and I thought it would be good for forcing bulbs that could then be given away as gifts, but while the bulbs are good size, the flowers are tiny, so I am enjoying them all myself.
More daffodils and tulips to come. Without knowing it I arranged a long bloom season for myself. I just need to remember adding patience to all my plantings.
I could use a dose of patience too. These all look great. I know they make you happy each time one opens up. Happy Valentines Day.
Pat, I love the description of the red tulips~I was flooded with my own paper/tulip cutting memories. I think I ight join you all next year with bulb forcing~although, we have blooms in the garden in March and most years in February!Happy Valentine’s Day to you…gail