Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – April 15, 2019

  • Post published:04/15/2019
  • Post comments:5 Comments
purple crocus
Purples crocus on Bloom Day

Bloom Day! The purple, and gold crocus I planted last year have bloomed!  The gold crocus is just about done, and the purple crocus no longer seem to be attracting the honey bees. I think the bees drank them both dry. This photo has a second purpose – besides showing off the blooms – I wanted a record of where they were coming up so I could plant more this fall.


I love scillas – in large swaths. I am finding it hard to think why I planted three little clumps where they are easily stepped on.  I think I will dig them up and replant them when they are done blooming.

I have nothing else to celebrate this Bloom Day – except buds on the hydrangeas (newly pruned), on the lilac, viburnams, willow, Korean spice bush, and raspberries. Oh, yes, and startling green shoots of daylilies, asters, waldsteinia, and foam flower. Spring is coming. Slowly here in Massachusetts. The thermometer went up to 70 degrees this gray  day, and heavy rains are scheduled for tomorrow. Once again my garden will be flooded, but not where these bulbs are blooming.

Thank you Carol, over at May Dreams Gardens for inviting us all to show our gardens on Bloom Day! This is the third spring for our new gardens in the valley.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Wow! Those purples are quite a sight! Lovely blues, too!
    Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!

  2. plantbirdwoman

    You have much to look forward to. Spring, when it reaches you, will be glorious! In the meantime, enjoy the lovely crocus and scilla.

  3. Pat

    Plantbirdwoman – I am indeed enjoying my earliest blooms – while I watch the lilac, Korean Spice bush and viburnams putting out fat buds.

  4. Pat

    Lea – This is such a happy time of year. New beginnings.

  5. Lisa at Greenbow

    Sometimes I question why I plant something where I did. What was I thinking??? ha… Happy GBBD.

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