Why Does Snow Melt the Way It Does?

Snow melts in mysterious ways. Any ideas why?

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Lisa at Greenbow

    No, but I have often wondered the same thing. We haven’t even had any snow to wonder over this winter.

  2. Pat

    Lisa – Because the periodic warm weather we have been having is interspersed with quite cold weather the snow is slowly slowly melting, even though we haven’t had all that much.

  3. enchantedhue

    probably different levels of wind and sun exposure – or somebody is shuffling the snow around secretly to make interesting patterns 😉

  4. Pat

    Enchantedhue – I can see the different levels of wind and sun in some places, but at this point I think a mysterious shuffler might be the answer.

  5. keiths ramblings

    I’ve never thought about before, but I guess I will from now on. Thanks a bunch!!!

  6. NatureFootstep

    nice shots. Could be lots of reasons. Snowdrift is one. Different thickness of snowlayers. What material it is located on. Wind/no wind. North /south. Well, you probably already thought about it.

  7. In many cases, the plants emit heat enough to melt the snow around it. One of the best examples of this is skunk cabbage, which is known to produce heat up to 35 degrees higher than the air temperature when it’s flowering. Cool, huh?

  8. Pat

    Tatjana – I did have fun taking photos of the different patterns.
    NatureFootstep – I can understand some of the reasons you mention, but they do not apply in all my examples. Mystery remains.
    Keith – I’m keeping my thinking cap on.
    Kylee – Skunk cabbage generating heat. Wow! I’m trying to think if I ever heard that the area around tree roots is warmer somehow – and that shows up in some of the photos.

  9. Lea

    Interesting patterns!
    Lea’s Menagerie

  10. Layanee

    There are endless questions to ponder in life.

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