Last spring was early and hot and on Bloom Day there was a lot of bloom. Things are moving slowly this Bloom Day. This is an area of my lawn reduction project. Waldsteinia has spread over the past three years and I’m underplanted with daffodils.
Waldsteinia is a beautiful plant and it is just coming into bloom. It is not any kind of strawberry plant.
These miniature daffodils are some of the daffs growing amid the barren strawberry
Some daffodils are growing in the grass. I haven’t gotten the groundcover this far.
My lawn is not fine turf. I call it a flowery mead. Right now it is blooming with blue and white violets, and of course, dandelions.
Many of the spring bloomers are small, like these Forget Me Nots.
TI can see these pale grape hyacinths from the house. The familiar blue ones are growing in the grass by the miniature daffs.
I am so glad I gave epimediums a try. They are NOT too tender for Heath.
This primrose did so well in a shady spot in back of the house I am planting more in this spot this year.
My forsythia is looking much better than usual, but that isn’t saying much.
And my orchid cactus has gone wild!
I thank Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers Bloom day and giving us all a chance to see what is blooming across our great land today.
You will also see what is (mostly) Wordless this Wednesday.
My garden is a step ahead of yours in blooms Pat. Isn’t it fun to have these beautiful spring bulbs to kick start the season. Happy GBBD.
Very pretty!
I especially like the Primrose. I really should try growing them here.
Happy GBBD!
Lea’s Menagerie
Lisa – I seem to be adding more and more early bulbs.It takes a long time for spring to arrive in my neighborhood.
Lea – Primroses come in many forms but they are all beautiful!
I am wondering why I don’t have waldsteinia. It is lovely and I always admire it at Tower Hill. Happy GBBD. Your blooms are beautiful.
I like the waldsteinia, even though I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it before. Its yellow blooms really play off the yellow of the daffodils, too. Very nice. And I think your forsythia looks great. Another yellow to compliment the others.
I like your flowery mead! I am absolutely fine with violets in the lawn, though not in the flower beds.
Layanee – I got my waldsteinia at Nasami Farm, but they don’t have it much anymore. One year they said they sold it all to landscapers.
HolleyGarden – Waldsteinia is a native plant and beautiful in every season. I am now propagating it myself.
Jason – I don’t like violets in the garden beds either. I can be ruthless there.
“Flowery mead”–ha, ha, I love it! One part of our huge lawn was a carpet of yellow this spring…from all the dandelions:) Love all your dainty blooms–I’ve tried and tried to get forget-me-nots to bloom here; wish mine were as happy as yours are.
Pat we have many of the same things blooming…I love the name for your lawn…makes it look and sound so lovely!
The miniature daffs really caught my eye. What a soft, beautiful, delicate yellow. Really lovely. And I so love violets, violets everywhere.