There is life under our feet. I have talked about living soil from time to time, but in his New York Times essay yesterday Jim Robbins says that “One-third of living organisims live in soil. But we know littel about them.” Well, of course I know about worms and bugs and the mycellium that I can see, and I know the soil is full of microbes, but to think that one-third of ALL living organisims live in the soil is mind boggling. Research is going on about all this life and some of it is going on in Central Park.
“A teaspoon of soil may have billions of microbes divided among 5,000 types, thousands of species of fungi and protozoa, nematodes, mites and a couple of termite species. How these and other pieces fit together is still largely a mystery.” What a revelation! It makes it clearer to me that it is really important to garden organically, putting food, as in compost, into the soil to feed all those organisims., and helping to maintain a healthy system.
The Sunday New York Times also included a story by Patricia Leigh Brown talked about ‘fruit activists’ who are “using fruit to reclaim public land and expand ideas of art.” It seem apprpropriate to me that both these articles appeared on Mother’s Day, when we should also celebrate Mother Earth and think about the riches she showers upon us, and what we owe to her in gratitude and responsibility to care for and share those gifts.
The life under our feet, and the fruit over our heads are all gifts! Celebrate every day.