Roses in Bloom at the Flowers’ – and Lepore’s

  • Post published:06/04/2012
  • Post comments:5 Comments
Apothecary Rose

The Roses are in bloom at the Flowers’ house – rather the garden belonging to Carolyn Flowers and Jim Lapore. Roses and clematis are starring right now so Carolyn opened the garden today for a special rose viewing because when her garden opens again for the Greenfield Garden Club Farm and Garden Tour on July 7 the roses will have finished their fragrant season.

I realized a couple of years ago that the rose I call Apothecary is a fraud. The only thing she has in common  with the rose above is great hardiness and spreading ability. Mine is spreading out into a wet pasture. Very un-roselike behavior.

Madame Plantier

I also grow the beautiful alba Madame Plantier, but in my garden she is less voluptuous and graceful. Now I have to figure out why. Is my climate to0 cold? The site too exposed to the Heathen winds? Is my soil in need of greater improvement? Since I can only affect my  soil, I have vowed to do increase my attention to s soil building.

Charles de Mills

This magnificent fragrant gallica just blew me away. It is so beautiful and riotous. Carolyn said she has to work to keep it in check.  The chickens ate and dug up my little seedling last year and my heart was broken. Carolyn repaired it by saying it is very hardy and I should be able to grow it. In a location away from the chickens.


When I first heard about candy striped roses I thought that was a terrible idea. When I first saw candy striped roses, I said ‘How beautiful!”

There were more roses than I have shown, but I am newly inspired. And it isn’t only the roses that were inspiring. Those that attend the garden tour in July will see lovely shade gardens, hop vines grown properly (Jim is a home brewer), vegetables and mushroom gardens. Beauty and utility. Thank you so much for letting us see the garden in two seasons!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Andrea

    Whatever roses are like, they are always beautiful, only not if they are infested with aphids like ours! That’s why those roses which have thorns and scents are already gone, replaced with its counterpart which do not have any rose scent at all.

  2. Those are lovely. I use to have lots of Rose of Sharon and Sea Roses at our other home which were always so fragrant.

  3. Lee May

    Pat, your rose collection looks (and smells) delightful. Like you, I was skeptical about candy-striped roses. Then, I bought one and fell in love.

  4. Carolflowerhillfarm

    Pat dear, Lovely roses . . . I am sure Carolyn’s garden is wonderful. When is your garden open for roses again? I have a friend asking about the date.

  5. Pat

    Carol – The Annual Rose Viewing is Sunday, June 24, 1-4 pm. A sign will be out on Rt 8A pointing to the roses on Knott Rd.

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