Garden Bloggers Convene

  • Post published:01/11/2010
  • Post comments:5 Comments

Garden Bloggers from all over this great USA, from California to Massachusetts, and from Michigan to Texas and Louisiana AND Canada, are all meeting up in Buffalo, home of the famed Buffalo Garden Walk for the Third Annual Garden Bloggers meet-up from July 8-11.

I will be here to compare notes with Kathy Purdy about cold climates, with Carol about dreaming in the garden, with Frances about faire gardens, and with Susan Harris about how sustainably our gardens grow.  Actually I’ll be comparing notes with dozens of bloggers, sharing  information, funny stories, and getting to visit lots of gardens in and around Buffalo. I’ll be bringing back photos and ideas to share with all of you.  I can’t wait.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Frances

    We can’t wait, either, Pat! It will be so fun. Buffalo sounds like a great place, with a well thought out agenda. See you there! 🙂

  2. Frances

    Oh, forgot to say thanks for the link love!

  3. Pat

    Frances – I am so excited, and looking forward to meeting you.

  4. Pam/Digging

    I look forward to meeting you there, Pat. It should be a really good time.

  5. Rose

    Looking forward to meeting you there, Pat!

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