Hen House #2 – Mine

  • Post published:12/07/2010
  • Post comments:7 Comments
Our henhouse 12-2

When we moved into our house I was thrilled that there was also a hen house in the back yard.  The building is about 30 feet long, divided into three sections. We store the feed, kept in metal garbage cans, as well as bales of shavings, in the first section. We also brood our chicks in that section when they arrive around the first of June. There is a chicken door that allows the chicks to go outdoors into a separate fenced yard when they get old enough.

Our henhouse, second section

The second section has egg boxes, waterers and feeders for the chickens. During the winter when the waterers freeze I rotate them through our house where they can thaw.

You can see that neither the exterior, nor the interior are objects of beauty.  However, the building is functional. We have used it ever since our first spring here in 1980.  You cannot really tell, but I do use the ‘deep litter’ technique.  I only clean the henhouse out once a year, in the spring. Over the summer and fall the bedding and the chicken manure build up and begin to compost. The manure and the composting  create some heat which helps keep the chickens warm in the winter. The manue and bedding also encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria that helps keep the chickens healthy, although their access to fresh air and sun are also important to their health. Everyone always comments on the rich yellow color of our eggs.

Our chickens in their yard

I throw cracked corn to the chickens outdoors every day. You can see we have a mixed flock. I have several Araucanas; they are not especially pretty, but they are great egg layers. Blue eggs!  They lay longer for us, into their second and third year.  I also have barred rocks, and New Hampshire Reds. I love having chickens because of the eggs, and because of knowing that our eggs come from happy and healthy chickens.

In case you were wondering about the third and longest section – that is not used. It is missing the end wall which was OK when we had pigs out there. Pigs only need housing for four or five months, but the space is not suitable for our hens.

I’ll be showing more hen houses built by some thoughtful people.  Don’t forget to leave comments on yesterday’s post to have a  chance at winning a copy of Recipes from the Root Cellar by Andrea Chesman. today is my exact third blogoversary and I am celebrating the commenters who visit, and the other bloggers I have met over these past years. Please celebrate with me. This Giveaway ends Saturday at midnight, but two more books are coming through the generosity of Storey Publishing.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Lisa at Greenbow

    Your chickens look so beautiful. I like your set up. It must be just right since people before you used it this way and you are having luck with your chickens using it too.

  2. Tinky

    Now I know why your chickens are so healthy! I love the idea of not cleaning out the coop often; who knew it was good for the chickens?!?

  3. meemsnyc

    What a great hen house. It looks like the chicks like it in there. The area that is outside, is it large enough for you to stand inside it?

  4. Carolflowerhill

    HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY PAT!! I am sorry I missed the actual day. (a bit under the weather so behind) I love the rustic quaint character of your hen house!

  5. Pat

    meemsyc – I can stand up inside my henhouse although I have to stoop as I get near the egg boxes. It has a lean-to roof so it is lower on the northside.
    Carol – Rustic and quaint is certainly a diplomatic way of phrasing it.

  6. Ellen Sousa

    Your girls look very happy, which one is the Araucana? We had an Americaunas and her eggs were olive, I haven’t seen blue eggs yet. Your hen house looks like perfect accommodation for them. We use a barn stall for our hens but it’s not ideal and one day hope to supply a real coop for them with roosting boxes like yours. It’d be nice to have a mobile one too so they can eat garden pests when they are out and about during the day. Dreaming….

  7. Pat

    Ellen – I’m so glad you’ve come to visit – and I can’t wait to read your book! My Araucana/Americauna
    is shades of brown with some dark speckling. They are not as pretty as some of the breeds, but they are the best layers I have ever had. I love the idea of a mobile henhouse. I’ve got another one to show. Soon.

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