Knock Out roses are famous for their dependability, the long bloom season and their loveliness. My Knock Out Red Rose is a substantial bush and while it is not covered with blossoms there are more scattered on the bush.
‘The Fairy’ rose is a much older rose, but it is just as dependable a bloomer. Clusters of the rose bloom throughout the summer and into the fall. A friend once said that ‘The Fairy’ is an estate rose. I don’t understand exactly what she meant – maybe it is a noble and welcoming rose?
Gruss an Aachen is a polyantha rose, a petite rose. I planted it in between the Alchemist rose which is a cheerful yellow and very energetic, and the Fantin-Latour centifolia rose which is also very large with large flowers. I thought it would operate as a filler. It is a lovely little rose.
This Drift rose is a glowing shade of rich pink and gold. It is a bit larger than Gruss An Aachen and very bushy. There are many groups of Coral Drift on this plant. Another tough lady.
Only these four roses are blooming now. It has been a hard year for these roses. There are lovely summer days, but other days – and days – of heavy rains. Still nothing has been damaged and I am looking forward to a rosier summer next year.