I left my daughter, her broken ankle and crutches, in the loving care of her sons and friends for the weekend. I came home to attend the Wesstern Mass Master Gardeners Spring Symposium. I was giving a presentation about my worm farm, but I also was eager to hear landscape designer Julie Moir Messervy speak about her new book Home Outside, and to attend a workshop on garlic growing and cooking.
While I was home my husband and I walked past the snowdrifts to the vegetable garden to get a good measure of its new dimensions after the lasagna addition I put in last fall. We had to walk through some snow to get to the garden, but that sunny area was clear. We got our measurements, 11′ x 26′. We laid out paths on paper and I calculate that I will have about 180 square feet of planting beds in this area.
As we walked back to the house I saw my first spring blossoms — snowdrops. Now it really feels like spring!
Having seen the snowdrops I had to check one other spot that was clear of snow.
Daylily shoots are up! I’m going to have to keep close watch now.