In a check out impulse I bought a not very promising bag of bulbs at my garden center last fall. I set them up in the basement where they were very slow to show any activity, and very slow to throw up flower shoots when I finally brought them upstairs. I think my house is so cold that they didn’t get much hint that spring, even a false indoor spring, was approaching. But the wait was worth it. I have recently become enamored of pink daffodils, and just by chance, here they are. Lit by the sun I can almost believe spring will arrive outside.
For more Blooming Friday beauties visit Katarina’s Roses and Stuff.
this color is beautiful!
Beautiful. I could almost fool myself to believe that the picture is taken outside in the sun.
Congratulations to your lovely daffodils! How I wish mine would show up soon…
Thanks for joining in for Blooming Friday – have a great weekend!
Those pink daffs are lovely. They don’t seem to last very long in NC, but one can dream.. 🙂
WHat a lovely surprise! Sometimes it rally pays off to wait and be patient.
Have a great day…spring will come eventually.
Thanks for stopping by Garden Grit!
Your pink daffodils are just lovely – perhaps next year I’ll try some in my garden.
Great idea about the mulch – our city also offers free mulch from the green waste recycling, but you have to go pick it up.
Chloe M.
Darla – Don’t you love pink daffs?
Petra – Our house has beautiful big south windows!
Roses and stuff – Wait til you see MY roses!
Sweet Bay – Last year we had a long cool (I mean cold) spring and the daff season was also gloriously long.
Camellia – I live in hope. Like every gardener.
Chloe – Lucky you! I wouldn’t mind picking it up if it were free.
Thank you all for visiting.