Bloom Day September 2009

  • Post published:09/15/2009
  • Post comments:8 Comments

I almost forgot it  was Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day!  I made a mad dash out into the garden with my camera, stopping briefly on the piazza where the Wave petunias, geraniums, Million Bells and verbena are still going strong.

I don’t have as many asters as Mr. McGregor’s Daughter, but I do love them. These are nameless.

Once heard who can forget Alma Potschke’s name?  She might be the brightest pink in the garden, but I always seem to have a lot of pink.

This nameless pink achillea is sending up fresh floriferous shoots from the middle of the plant. I wonder if this is a benefit of all the rain we’ve had.

Pink cosmos are still going strong. A few pink chelone, turtlehead, are still in bloom, but are not photo worthy.

I got this nameless pink phlox at a plant sale in May. It got off to a slow start, but should be very nice next year.


I love red zinnias. These are not artfully placed, but the ground was open here when they needed to be planted.

Dahlias are a wonderful autumn plant.  I decided to use the technique of picking one of each variety and showing them in individual containers.

I will try and name them. Back row, left to right: Purple Passion, Foxy Lady and Peggy Jean.  In the front row is Pattycake, then a dahlia I don’t even remember ordering, and finally Funny Face. I am coming to love dahlias more and more for the color they bring to the autumn garden. I even managed to winter over Funny Face, Foxy Lady and Pattycake, in the basement in peat moss. 

I was surprised at the number of rose bushes that are still putting out a blossom or two. In the first row, from left to right – Pink Grootendorst (planted this spring), The Fairy, Thomas Affleck (planted this spring) and Carefree Beauty. Behind them, Lto R – Double Red Knockout who has been a stellar performer, Applejack, and a final container with two rugosas, Blanc Double De Coubert and Apart.

In addition, my ‘old’ hydrangea is still blooming and making good bouquets, the newly planted Limelight hydrangea, but I can’t take credit for those blooms.  An annual salvia still blooms by the hen house, and wild yarrow, wild asters, Queen Anne’s Lace and goldenrod bloom along the edges of our road. Last Sunday I made a very autumnal arrangement for church that was amazingly full of color.

Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens and see what else is blooming around the country.  Thank you Carol for hosting this wonderful monthly garden party.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Carol

    Pat I love your collection of vases each holding a single rose… stunning. To me one of the loveliest ways to arrange flowers. Your dahlias are lovely too but the forms and grace of the greens with your roses inspire a still life painting. Through blogging I have connected with gardeners from afar … lovely to find you right here in Western Massachusetts. Beverly Duncan mentioned your blog to me just yesterday … so glad to have found you. Carol

  2. admin

    So glad we found each other! I’ve just added you to my blogroll. Your photographs are spectacular. I am a big fan of Beverly Duncan.

  3. Rose

    Your container plants look so healthy and vibrant! Mine are beginning to look very tired; of course, it would have helped if I hadn’t neglected them for a couple of weeks:) I see we share a fondness for cosmos and zinnias–aren’t they wonderful? Seeing your dahlias, I am going to have to try to grow them again. I haven’t had much luck in the past. I love the way you have artfully arranged them in vases. Happy Bloom Day!

  4. commonweeder

    Rose, My container plants thank you for the compliment. They all wish they had been kept a bit warmer this summer! Cosmos and zinnias don’t seem to mind the trials of a season very much.

  5. Frances

    Hi Pat, your garden is still bursting with blooms, hooray! The placement of the flowers in jars is a brilliant way to let us see them better for intense study. You are certainly into pink! The dahlias are delightful. 🙂

  6. commonweeder

    Frances – I keep saying I need to move beyond pink – and I try, but when I look at the garden there it is. Again.

  7. Sylvana

    I love dahlias but am too busy and forgetful to grow them. I will just enjoy yours.

  8. admin

    Sylvana – There are lots of plants I enjoy in other gardens, too.

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