Will She or Won’t She?

  • Post published:11/25/2009
  • Post comments:6 Comments

My Thanksgiving cactus has been budded for weeks and I thought she would be blooming right on time. But right on time is tomorrow!  I’m inviting her into the warm room of the house today.  I should have thought of that earlier.

There is no question that this calendar will prompt me to get everything done on time. This beautiful calendar prepared by the University of Massachusetts Extension Service has 12 gorgeous photos of plants, exotic, common and useful and tips about the timing of garden chores. There is room to write in some of your own reminders.

I like the first page of the calendar which lists attractive plants for pollinators at every season. Sometimes we forget that bees and other pollinators need shrubs and trees as well as the perennials that put in our gardens.

The calendar makes a great gift. To order go to www.umassgardencalendar.org or send $12 payable to UMass and mail to: Garden Calendar, c/o Mailrite, 78 River Road South, Putney, VT 05346.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Gail

    I hope she blooms for you! Thanks for the calendar idea~~It just might be the gift for my garden friends who need help in appreciating pollinators! Happy Thanksgiving. gail

  2. Frances

    Hi Pat, I do believe the warmth might trigger those buds to open, it works for orchids. How fun that your grandson’s team won the state championship, congrats to that. Your story about the leaves and the beeches, we have none of those around here that I am aware of, was truly art, both photos and the prose. Have a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving!


  3. admin

    Gail, The calendar is a great idea for any gardener, and with all the trouble we are having with honeybees and colony collapse disorder, we have to help all our pollinators as much as possible.
    Frances – The warm room helped a lot with the Thanksgiving cactus, and it was enjoyed by all. It adorned the Game Table for after-feast playing.

  4. eliz

    All 3 of mine are heavily laden with buds, but they tend to bloom right before Christmas, with a second early spring bloom. Those are nice fat buds!

  5. admin

    Eliz- Are you sure you have a Thanksgiving cactus, and not a Christmas cactus. They are so similar but the Thanksgiving cactus has points on the leaf sections, as you can see in my photo. Christmas cactus leaves are more rounded. Either way, they are a joy.

  6. isupereco

    I didn’t quite get one of my plants indoors for the winter in time and that plant was a goner. At least you brought yours in before it was too late!

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