It is not too late to order the 2014 UMass Garden Calendar. This is always beautiful, and this year the monthly photographs feature a floral happy dozen from potted tulips to Linda Campbell rugosa blossoms to a glorious sunflower.
But the calendar is not only beautiful it contains a wealth of gardening advice and information for those of us in the norhteast. This year there is a thorough explanation of the USDA climate zones. I always forget how the a and b categories work, but I am now 5b which means I should safely be able to plant plants that are hardy to between -10 and -15 degrees. Zone 5a would mean I’d need plants hardy to between – 15 and – 20 degrees. Of course, they also allow that zone guides don’t tell the whole story. We each might have warm or cold microclimate just in our own garden that can provide a surprise. The calendar does give the zone maps for all of New England, and Massachusetts
There is also a bit of advice for every day in the year, and a browse through the monthly page will give you a good idea of how you’ll be spending your time.
You can order online at for $12 plus shipping. There are special rates for 10 or more. Great holiday present!