The 2013 UMass Garden Calendar gives us inspiration and education as this season closes down, and we gardeners are already thinking about a new growing season.
For many years , UMass Extension has worked with the citizens of Massachusetts to help them make sound choices about growing, planting, and maintaining plants in their landscapes, including vegetables, backyard fruits, and ornamental plants. Our 2013 garden calendar continues UMass Extension’s tradition of providing gardeners with useful information. This year’s calendar includes tips for creating colorful container gardens, including helpful “recipes” of plant combination ideas for sun and shade.
As always, each month features: * An inspiring garden image. * Daily gardening tips for Northeast growing conditions. * Daily sunrise and sunset times. * Phases of the moon. * Plenty of room for notes. * Low gloss paper for easy writing.
Each year, the Garden Calendar presents a selection of plants chosen by the UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery & Urban Forestry staff for pest resistance, adaptability to specific growing environments, and seasonal effectiveness. A brief description accompanies each photo to help understand these plant choices. Furthermore, daily gardening tips provide information on garden pests and management strategies to help gardeners reduce pesticide usage. Also included are “how-to and when” tips such as dates to plant peas, renovate lawns, prune and fertilize roses, conserve water in the landscape, and many more.
The Cooperative Extension Service which is part of the University of Massachusetts agricultural mission has changed over the years, in part due to budget cuts. I was honored to be a member of the Board for a time and gained great respect for the Extension programs and agents who worked for home gardeners as well as for state farmers. Nowadays one of the ways they reach gardeners is through their annual calendar. I like this calendar so much is because the advice is local. Those UMies understand our climate. And they have fabulous photographs of an interesting selection of plants.
The UMass Garden Calendar cost $12, but there is bulk pricing for 10 or more. If you buy 9 calendars (for all your gift giving) or fewer, you can have free shipping Until November 1. You can order online or by sending your name and shipping information to UMass Garden Calendar, c/o Mailrite, 78 River Road South, Putney, VT 05346