In preparing for a Fashion in the Garden posting I have been reading the spring issue of Vogue magazine. Strictly business you understand. Besides, Tina Fey was on the cover.
Although I wasn’t looking for it, there was a little feature on page 370, The Green List, with John Patrick’s (whoever he may be) five latest (fashion everywhere) faves. There is seedlibrary.org for heirloom seeds; Emiliano Godoy, an industrial designer who focuses on sustainability; Magnus Larsson, a Swedish architect working to stop the spread of the Sahara!; Ecocradle for shipping materials made of mycelium, — remember you heard it here first; and Edible Forest Gardens by Dave Jacke with Eric Toensmeier. Well, Dave Jacke is headquartered right in our own green county. I hope to catch up with him this spring. I met Eric Toensmeier when he spoke at the local Master Gardener’s Spring Symposium a couple of years ago and bought his book. I am going to plant perennial Good King Henry (Chenopodium bonus- henricus) in my Henry garden.
Who knows who I’ll meet at this year’s Spring Symposium. Check out the full schedule and info.
Gosh I feel so accomplished just getting some lettuce planted. Ha…
A tantalizing post, Pat, and a promise of future fun.
Vogue! Now that you’ve discovered the untold gems strewn throughout the magazine, may I suggest a subscription to W? Gardening is such an all-embracing pursuit that sooner or later everyone seems destined to address it. The Financial Times has gardening columns, as does the Wall Street Journal. No doubt Sports Illustrated will drop the bathing suit issue in favor of the garden togs issue, and the Journal of Foreign Affairs will boast an horticultural essayist. At the moment Commonweeders are sharing solutions to combatting parasites and garden plagues, but soon – yes, soon – this cross-pollination will surely result in discussions of how to combat paparazzi at one’s garden gate. For once the fashionistas have noticed where the grass is greener… That is to say your annual Rose Viewing may well become a photo frenzy!
Lisa – I’ll be glad when I can boast getting lettuce planted.
Flaneur – Hmmmmm. I think I better get a new hat to wear at the Rose Viewing. No plagues there.