What is the vitality and necessity
of clean water?
Ask the man who is ill, who is lifting
his lips to the cup.
Ask the forest.
Mary Oliver from “Evidence”

Water is almost everything. We are water. Water is essential.
Water is so important that I cannot find the words to encompass it. Right now the news is full of reports about devastating floods. Other times the news is of drought. We gardeners have our own experiences of too much or too little water. We have only to think back to 2009, and then 2010.
I fear for water. Municipal water supplies are not always as safe as we expect and need them to be. Our water ways are polluted from lawn fertilizer runoff, municipal sewage and industrial waste. Our waters have become more protected, but I fear that not all our legislators see the dangers. Click here for information about threats to our environment.
Click here to visit Carolyngail who hosts Muse Day to say how others are inspired today.
Mary always knows how to get your attention. Water is the fountain of youth for us, the planet.
Lisa – Well said!