Rose of Prairie Rose’s Garden in Central Illinois. Rose has won Nan Ondra’s book, The Perennial Care Manual, and 2 dozen CowPots! Congratulations! When I get Rose’s mailing address I’ll send them right out.
Now, since this is my Second Blogoversary, Storey and CowPots are offering a second chance to win in a drawing. This time the book is Right Rose, Right Place: 359 Perfect Choices for Beds, Borders, Hedges and Screens, Containers, Fences, Trellises, and More by Peter Schneider who has 1200 types of roses of his own and has written extensively about roses. There will also be another 2 dozen CowPots made of composted cow manure that will make seed starting especially nutritious this spring. Just leave a comment this week and I’ll have another drawing next Saturday, December 12. Who will be the second winner?

The snow had been falling on and off all day yesterday, but it didn’t look like it was really going to stick – until late last evening. This morning we woke to 4 sparkling inches of snow, so I think this qualifies as our first snowfall. The plows were out last night as we prepared for bed, and out again this morning so the roads were clear for church goers. A beautiful way to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas. To see who else might be having snow as winter proceeds check out Nancy Bond at Soliloquoy as she hosts The First Snowfall Project.
Henry went out to feed the chickens and saw a mess surrounding the compost bin. He peeked in.
There was our local porcupine! He had pulled out enough compost to climb in through the bottom to sun himself on top of the pile, protected from any wind by the sides of the bin. I can’t believe this small pile was generating any real heat, but at least it isn’t cold ground. Do you think he has taken up permanent residence there? How valuable is porcupine manure? Do you think he has been around long enough to earn a name?
I want to explain one thing. You can see paper plates tumbling out of the bin. I got these biodegradable sugar cane plates for Thanksgiving dessert. There is a limit to how many dirty dishes my kitchen can handle at once!
Beautiful photos, Pat — I’ve posted your link to the First Snowfall page. Thanks for participating!
I happen to know that this particular porcupine (and he is most definitely a particular porcupine) has been known since birth as Clifford, and Cliff to his friends. But since he’s chosen to live at End o’ the Road Farm, in Heath, he might aptly be considered a Heathcliff, no? And he is somewhat tortured, romantic and maybe even a bit Byronesque.
I have that same exact compost bin but I let the neighbors think it’s a doghouse to avoid code enforcement. Sometimes, the squirrels pop the top of it for fun and birds perch on it for a little warmth. The compost packs in pretty tight (maybe it is like the inside of a down comforter to him) so I’m not surprised your porcupine is using it as a den to hide out for the winter.
Pat it looks like you were out at about the same time I was this morning. Lovely photos… pesky porcupine! The damage they have done to my apple trees! I would love to enter your new contest. I forget what I must do? I like the Heathcliff idea… very witty but I pity the porcupine if there is a Catherine in his life!
Nancy – I have one of the first snowfalls, but my daughter in Texas! beat me by a day. Most unusual.
Heathcliff – Didn’t he cause a lot of trouble too?
SJ – No compost codes in Heath and I never put the lid on top so the rain can get in.
Carol – You’ve done all you need by visiting and commenting. The drawing will be on Saturday morning.
Wow, Pat! A porcupine! I’ve never seen one in real life. We don’t have them. Another thing I don’t have is a book on roses, and this looks like a good one. Crossing my fingers that I win it! Thanks for offering this, Pat!
Congratulations on the second anniversary of your blog, Pat! May there be many more to come. We too had our first snow here in southeastern PA. But no porcupines, fortunately – in the compost or anywhere else. I wonder if they qualify as carbon or nitrogen (the latter, I suppose).
Oh I love that first snow pic…and the porcupine is neat too 🙂
You should definitely name the porcupine! Although I must admit I would have been running away upon finding him in my compost!
Kylee – You are entered! good luck.
Nan – Thanks for the congrats. One of the best things about being a blogger is being a part of the whole supportive blogging community.
Nickie – The snow is still beautiful – and I’ll go out to the hen house very carefully this am.
Ramble – You don’t have to run away from a porcupine. They move VERY slowly.
Thanks so much for hosting these giveaways, Pat, and for pulling out my name as the first winner! I’m so excited to get a copy of Nan Ondra’s book!
The snowfall photo is so beautiful. I might get a chance to participate in Nancy’s project soon as a snowstorm is forecast here for mid-week. But I don’t expect to see any porcupines in my yard–how interesting! As a long-time fan of the Bronte sisters, I love Peter’s idea of naming him Heathcliff:)
Pat, I thought it was no meat or dairy in the compost pile! Looks like the critters in Heath are just as non-conformist as the humans. :>
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