As a member of the New England Wildflower Society I have been invited to the Plant Swap at Nasami Farm in Whately at 9 am on Saturday, May 31. While the invitation said bringing native plants was encouraged, it was not necessary. Invasive plants would be sent away ignominiously! At least one identified plant is required to participate. By bringing 6 plants I can bring home six new plants.
I bought my original Waldsteinia fragarioides at Nasami some years ago and it has performed as promised, replacing a good swath of lawn at the edge of the lawn. Waldsteinia is also known as barren strawberry because of the similarity of its leaves and little yellow flowers. No berries!
When it became difficult to get more Waldsteinia at Nasami I began adding Tiarella cordifolia with its foamy flower spikes, in pink or white, otherwise known as foam flower. Both of these ground covers spread nicely and tolerate a fair amount of shade. This section of (former) lawn is in shade for at least half the summer day. The Missouri Botanical Garden says tiarella and waldsteinia “tolerates deer.” I guess that means they will revive after being munched on. I have lots of deer in my neighborhood; they do come onto my lawn, but I have never seen any deer damage.
Participation in the Plant Swap is only one of the benefits of membership. For more click here. Next week I’ll show you my swaps.