Monday Report March 14

  • Post published:03/14/2011
  • Post comments:6 Comments
Entry and Welcoming Platform

This is an end-of- winter Monday Report. Next Monday it will be Spring. The temperature this am is 32 degrees and we are enjoying a snow flurry. Grrrrrr.  But you can see there has been a lot of snow melt. Warmth is predicted for this afternoon.  Although the season has been most unusual, the maple sugarers seem to be having a good run.

Daylily Bank

Even though the snow was very deep with plow piles along here, the exposure is to the south and snowmelt always comes early.

Front Garden

It is because of the warmth that come early that comes here, not to mention protection from the wind, that I prepared a new garden last spring using the lasagna method. Early lettuce, lots of broccoli, parsley and a nasturtium transition to the Daylily Bank. I can’t wait to begin again.


The metal Krishna and the stone wall absorb enough heat from the winter sun to cause some snow melt at the far side of the Sunken Garden. The snow is still three feet deep here, and even deeper in the southwest corner.

It’s a good thing spring is almost here because the woodpile is seriously depleted. Two cords of wood – gone up in smoke.  Fortunately, there is more wood waiting to be split under the big plow pile.  Spring is coming. I can see it through the snowflakes.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Cyndy

    Good morning Pat, Your landscape is similar to mine, although this past weekend disappeared most of the snow cover. Nice the sugarers are having a good year anyway…

  2. Carolflowerhill

    Dear Pat, I am very behind in visiting . . . it is wonderful to see all the snow melting. I love your last line . . . seeing spring through the snowflakes. Lovely!

  3. Lisa at Greenbow

    How exciting to see the ground begin to appear again. Come on spring.

  4. Pat

    Cyndy – We can see the snow melting as your road gets a bit muddier every day.
    Carol – I have been watching all your beautiful birds!
    Lisa – Hurry, hurry is all I have to say.

  5. Cindy, MCOK

    Pat, I can promise you that you’ll see very different views here in Houston! I’m looking forward to your visit and am hoping the poppies will be in full and glorious bloom for you.

  6. Layanee

    I was just looking at the pictures I took in your garden in Sept. It will soon look lush again. Would we appreciate that lushness if it surrounded us twelve months of the year?

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