This morning I am beginning my Monday Record – noting as completely as I can what is doing in the garden. The snow is nearly gone everywhere, except in the Sunken Garden. The weedy grass is just beginning to green up.
I was tempted by a 6 pack of lettuce seedlings a couple of weeks ago when the weather was very mild. On March 31 I could wait no longer and set them out in the herb bed in front of the house. The weather has been very cool, frost two mornings, but the lettuce seems to be surviving. So far.
The chives and other herbs in the herb bed look so promising. Garlic chives, French tarragon, bee balm, lemon balm and horseradish are also sending out shoots and leaves.
The rhodies next to the Cottage Ornee have come through the winter better than ever before. The deer left them alone too.
Past the Cottage Ornee is the newly laid out Potager (formerly known merely as the garden extension) and a temporary coldframe, making use of cinderblocks left from the last summer’s cellar project, and a plexiglass skylight that was damaged by the delivery man. It makes a quick, albeit temporary, coldframe. There is nothing inside yet. Admire the chips, laid on top of cardboard, they are the new technique for weed free paths. Yesterday we picked up a carload from the Public Chip Pile that was arranged by our Select Board for the use of town residents. Many thanks from us gardeners.
Back in the house is one of two trays of seedlings I planted on March 31. Fiesta broccoli, Diablo Brussels sprouts, white seashell cosmos, zinnias and Gigante Italian parsley. The seeds came from Fedco and Renee’s Garden. The tray shown here, with seedlings sprouting has been placed on my new heat mat. There is no action at all on the control tray that has not received any bottom heat.
The final note for the day is about the temporary installation of our weather station. My husband wanted to make sure all systems were operational before getting it up onto the roof. This morning the 7:30 am temperature was 34.6 degrees, humidity 89%, with breezes of 3.4 mph. The separate rain gauge lives on a separate fence post, in place for today’s promised rains.
I know you are glad the snow is melting and you have signs of spring popping up!