Artist Glenn Ridler says his Little Big House is a major work of his career, playfully and artfully shifting proportions to build his living space and the Little Big House Gallery. The house is set amid beautiful gardens that were the setting for his daughter’s wedding in June.
I have known Glenn and his wife Christine Baronas for many years, but I do not often get to visit up on their Shelburne hill. A shed I had not seen before provides an excellent space for enjoying the garden.
A garden lit by the setting New England sun last Friday is as artful as anyone could desire. But it is a fleeting beauty.
The beauties of the Bridge of Flowers were captured more permanently by a group of artists including Fred Burrington and Walter Cudnohufsky. It is this exhibit that brought me up to Patten Hill, picturesque in its own right, to enjoy the visions that many artists have created of Shelburne Falls’ Bridge of Flowers. Some of the paintings had been sold even before I left the opening. The exhibit will continue until October 28. Gallery Hours are Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 pm. The drive to and from the Little Big House Gallery alone is worth the trip on an autumnal afternoon.
The Bridge of Flowers is a work of art in three dimensions. Love it and would have loved to see it depicted by these artists.