The Lyman Plant House at Smith College looked as frosty as anyplace during the recent Polar Vortex. Outside.

Inside the Lyman Plant House there is humid warmth and lush growth.

Once past the brilliant greenery I passed into the Palm House where I might have been in the jungle. The brilliant January sun shone through the dense palm foliage, but all below was in shadow.

I sat on a bench and rested, and debated whether I should follow the narrow path deeper into the dark, unknown jungle. Wait, I know that is just a fancy. Almost real, though, on this January day.

Beautiful orchids are blooming, back in the sun.

Begonia lovers will love the begonia collection. Gorgeous, interesting foliage.

But if dense jungle, and steamy blooming plants aren’t enough to warm you, continue on to the Succulent Rooms and enjoy the dry heat, arid landscape – and a different fancy.
The Lyman Plant House is open every day from 8:30 to 4 pm. The famous Bulb Show opens on the first weekend in March which this year is March 1. Bulb Show doors open at 10 am. Closing is 4 pm. There is a lot to learn here, and a great deal to enjoy in every season of the year.
Nice post Pat. I especially enjoyed the Palm House and Succulent Gardens. It was nice getting lost in some gardens (even if virtually) on this cold rainy day!
Lee – The snow is gone – again – so this tropical greenery was a real treat.