Bloom Day – November 2011

Thomas Affleck

Between the fact that the weather has been so oddly warm, today at 7 am it is 55 degrees, and our efforts to prepare for a kitchen update, I forgot about Bloom Day – not that much is in bloom.  Still, I dashed out into the gray dawn. Certainly it is the end of rose season. Does this Thomas Affleck bloom still hanging on count?

Hardy peach chrysanthemum

An unexpected stop at Wilder Hill Garden in September sent me home with this beautiful mum, identified only as Hardy Peach.  It endured snow and rain, but I think it is still ‘blooming.’

When I timidly began participating in Bloom Day I was assured that ‘buds count.”  Budded now, you can see that this Thanksgiving cactus will be in full bloom on its name day. Unfortunately not much is blooming in Heath in mid-November. I even gave up on my abutilon, defeated by scale.

I look forward with pleasure to seeing other blooms, indoors and out, all over this great land and give thanks to Carol at Maydreamsgardens for giving us this gift every month.


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Rose

    At this time of year, I think anything counts as a bloom for us Northern gardeners:) I forgot to show my Thanksgiving cactus just beginning to bloom–I wonder if it will make it till Christmas so I have something to show on the next GBBD?

  2. Darla

    If that’s one of the Korean Mums, I have Sheffield Mum, it will spread and give you blooms for years to come!

  3. Lisa at Greenbow

    Of course these are all blooms. I am surprised that you still have some blooms. This is as MrMcD says the endless autumn.

  4. Nell Jean

    Freeze dried roses are everywhere this bloom day. My Christmas Cactus has baby-teeth buds.

  5. Pat

    Rose – Except for the Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus I think this is going to be a very bloomless winter for us.
    Darla – I don’t think it is a Sheffield mum – but it was the Sheffield mum that inspired me to buy this, and that I will definitely find in the spring.
    Lisa – I count on the generosity of judgement of all the garden bloggers.
    Nell Jean – freeze dried, but still beautiful in its own way I think. This is Thomas Affleck who has been such a trooper this year.

  6. I’m envious of the cactus. I lost mine this summer and I’m thinking of getting another one for the holidays.

  7. I’ll bet your mum is ‘Sheffield Pink’. The other pinky one is ‘Clara Curtis’, which I think is more pink and less peach. And yes, that rose does count.

  8. Pat

    Dorothy – My Christmas cactus, which is more mature, is putting out tiny buds and it should give us quite a show this year.
    MMD – I am so glad you think I already have a ‘Sheffie’. I saw huge clumps at the Smith College gardens this fall and fell in love.

  9. Lea

    Your cactus has a lot of buds for such a small plant. It is going to be glorious!

    I’ll be looking for photos of this cactus bloom on your blog in a few days!

  10. My hardy mum looks just like yours… in color and in its prostrate position for November. Mine is “Sheffield Pink”.

    It is so hard to see the end, but it will all be so much fresher in June for the long rest. Trying to remind myself that as the wind howls outside this evening 🙂

    Thanks for your visit to WMG!
    Julie in PA

  11. Pat

    Lea – Those buds will probably still be blooming well on Dec. 15!
    Julie – I am so glad to know I already have a ‘Sheffie’. They were so beautiful on the Smith campus.

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