The barren branches of the old yellow birch in my field retain a certain majesty this frosty morning.
But the Thomas Affleck shrub rose that grows at the end of the entry walk is resisting the closing of the bloom season. The days have been chilly and windy, tearing dying leaves off many trees, but Thomas just laughs and says, “Look at me!”
I bought this rose from the Antique Rose Emporium in Texas and it has been hardier and has a longer bloom season than I ever dared hope for.
Yep, looks like you all are heading for winter already! The leaves are just starting to turn down here. Don’t you just love roses from ARE? Well, I guess some of them might not do well for you in your frosty clime but their roses are just so healthy. I just planted a Sombreuil I bought from them at the base of my new pergola.
Hi Pat, already automn in your garden! Here in France, leaves are still green, and we have benefit this week whith Africa hot air (22°C close to the swiss border, more in the south). Have a nive autom time.
Jean – I have been out cutting back blackened perennials all morning. Lots of ARE roses do fine here, happily for me.
Freeric – How good to hear from you! No African breezes here. Ours come from Canada, but today is beautiful – and warm.
I have a couple of shrub roses still blooming, though not as luscious as yours.
I like fall colors when they are just past peak. I love being able to view deep into the woods through barren branches to catch a glimpse of the last leaves clinging on in vibrant colors
Jason – That Thomas A is a wonder!
Greg – Not much vibrant jewel color this year, but lots of gold. The Beech tree population seems to have exploded. One theory is the comeback of the wild turkey.