Daylily season has begun here at End of the Road Farm. The Daylily Bank is going to have it’s first spectacular year. My idea was to have a collection of pale and pink daylilies on the Bank.
Still, I couldn’t resist some of the deeper colored daylilies. Each day more are blooming and each day I am happier with this project.
I thought I could count three bloomers in one photo – ‘Connecticut Yankee’ delphiniums, shasta daisy and ‘Mothlight hydrangea which is huge and wonderful. When I bought it I never imagined its mature magnitude. I was so focused on the flowers I never saw the table and chairs. I am trying to do better when I take photos. My idea for this bed, as close to design as I get, was blue and white with a little yellow. The ‘Blue Paradise’ phlox is not yet blooming.

I love the Achilleas. I was really looking forward to ‘Paprika’ which was a bright orange red in a friend’s garden. This does not look as bright. I am wondering if it doesn’t get enough sun in this spot.

I am very happy with this bright ‘Terra Cotta’ Achillea which has grown into a great clump. I’ll have to divide it in the fall.
This gold achillea that I bought at a plant sale (no name) is one of the touches of yellow in the Blue and White bed. It is just beginning to bloom. Some plants are really late for me. We’ve had a good amount of rain and except for a few isolated hot days it has been relatively cool.

The bee balm is in full bloom, too. This nameless crimson variety looks great with the ‘Black Beauty’ lilies that will bloom soon. I have great clumps of scarlet ‘Colrain Red’ down in The Potager.

I don’t remember planting this veronica, but it is thriving without my knowledge or attention. Lucky me.

I planted several alliums in the fall for the first time so I am just getting to know them. These drumstick alliums are nice and tall, quite delicate and just beginning to bloom.

Last year I was especially attracted to globular flowers. Knautia was one and it is doing well. A deeper red, right near ‘The Fairy’ floribunda.
I have two of these, one in each of the Lawn Beds. They really extend my rose season.

This white, and a red Meideland landscape rose that I got as samples nearly 20 years ago also extend the rose season.

I have been adding more Buck roses. I planted ‘Prairie Harvest’ last year and it is coming along. This is a color I do not have much of on the Rose Walk.

However, I planted ‘Wild Ginger’ opposite ‘Prairie Harvest’ this year. I pinched off earlier buds, but I have to allow myself a couple of flowers. Other roses still in sporadic bloom are: Buckland Rose, ‘New Dawn’, Rugosa alba, Scabrosa, ‘Celestial’, and the Woodslawn Rambler.
I planted a larger number of containers this year, partly because we were on a garden tour. However, it was so cool and rainy before the tour that the containers never did very much. This double ‘Peppermint’ petunia, and nemesia are just starting to look respectable. The cannas and elephant ears are sulking. And the weather? In the 50s again last night.
My daughter always give me a lobelia to hang as thought it were part of the wisteria. This is a never fail gift and I thank her.
Many gardens are at their height right now and you can see them all across the country by visiting Carol, the host of May Dreams Gardens Bloom Day. Thank you Carol!
So much going on here Pat! Looks lovely…happy Bloom Day!
I like your shot of the delphiniums, daisies and hydrangea – even with the inadvertent chair inlcusion. Makes me just wanna go sit in one of ’em and stare at the flowers. Happy GBBD!
I loved looking at all your beautiful flowers, especially the daylilies and roses.
Mine are about finished, just a bloom here and there, so it was nice to visit your lovely garden!
Beautiful blooms!! I see a couple of plants I want to get – the Drumstick Alliums and Paprika Achillea – I have the pink and white, but the paprika is so interesting. Thank you for the tour.
Leslie – And I used to have nothing in the garden in July. A change for me.
RBell – It is even lovelier to sit in the Cottage and admire the scene.
Dorothy – I surprised myself at the amount of bloom.
Judy – I’m hoping the Paprika will look a little different when I move her to a sunnier spot.
Your roses never cease to please me. You have so many beauties in your garden. happy gbbd.
What a fabulous show! Especially like your lilies.
Happy GBBD 🙂
Your daylily collection is lovely, Pat. I’ve given up on color coordinating mine; I just am happy to see all their blooms. I think the photo of the hydrangea looks fine as is; the table and chairs give an idea of how big this plant is–it’s huge! Glad to see the ‘Connecticut Yankee’ delphiniums doing so well–I added a few of these this spring, too. I also put in an order for ‘Blue Paradise’ phlox which won’t come till this fall so I’m looking forward to seeing yours in bloom.
Found your site by googling rosa glauca. that’s the best examples of what a mature shrub looks like, so thanks for posting! 27 years is an amaing amount of time! How long did it take for it to get bulky? I’m going to transplant mine now (30″), and am trying to find the best site for it, based on your photo, I think I’d better allocate more room for it!
Brenda – Do give Rosa glauca plenty of room. I don’t remember exactly how long it took but certainly within 10 years it was attracting special attention.