The view from the window on this last day of January when the noon temperature is 25 degrees shows how the snow has melted, and where the wet spots in the garden are located, in front of the stone wall, and down the paths. Snow is predicted for this afternoon but everyone is hoping the Punxatawny Phil, the groundhog, will not see his shadow two days hence and assure us that there will be an early spring. He is only right 39 percent of the time, but last year his prediction of an early spring was on the money. I went shopping for more shrubs on March 21 – and then planted them!
The snow looks cold. We are having above normal temps. I am itching to get out and purchase some new shrubs too.
Brrrr… I always say if P.Phil sees his shadow, we’ll only have six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, only six weeks until spring! That’s 100% accurate either way!
Lisa – Even colder today, but overall we are having a mild winter – just like last year.
Indy – You calculate exactly the way I do!