The sun is shining today and I have just talked to Sherry Wilson, a wonderful woman I have known for years. I know that readers of gardens were always eager for the weekly garden story.
Sherry put out great newspaper stories over years about gardens and the many kinds of plants and gardeners that she has visited and worked with. She has interviewed skilled people like Doug Tallamy who is one of my own great favorites. She travelled to great public gardens along coastal Maine – and Great Dixter in England. Sherry has visited and learned from many gardens – and gardeners. Now we all have the opportunity to travel with her through her book Valley Gardens: Selected Columns A Selection of Garden Columns from the Daily Hampshire Gazette, 2006-2015. There are 45 chapters divided into categories like favorite plants and vegetables and much more.
Take note now – Levellers Press is holding a “book launch” next Saturday, February 25, at 2 pm at their store (Collective Copies) 71 South Pleasant St in Amherst.