
  • Post published:11/19/2009
  • Post comments:2 Comments

Ted Watt has worked with the children of the Heath Elementary School for years, teaching them about the land and the world they live in. One of the blessings of the school landscape is a woodland where the childrren have studied the seasons and phases of life of many woodland creatures and plants.

On their most recent exploration of the woods they  found – drumroll please – a truffle. I know nothing about truffles, except that they are a kind of underground fungi, but I usually think of them being found by truffle digging pigs in the Perigord region of France.

Heath is no Perigord, and Ted is no pig, but somehow, he found a truffle, ‘the diamond of the kitchen’, so prized for haute cuisine.  I haven’t talked to him, but I wonder who takes possession of this rare culinary delight. Ted? The school cafeteria? Will the kids soon be lunching on risotto with leeks, shiitake mushrooms and truffles?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I didn’t get to follow up on the facebook comments about this. But I know this is just about as precious as gold. I really want to have a truffle farm in the worst way. I want to get some inoculated trees. They grow well in NC. I’ll need me a Ted too. And our truffle farms around here are guarded cause people steal the darn things.

    Thank you for participating in Operation Christmas Child. We raised $800 and made 20 boxes. The giving is over and the boxes will be delivered on Monday. i’ll post about it on Tuesday.

  2. admin

    Anna – We never expected to find truffles – even a trifle of a truffle as one friend said – in our neighborhood. Thanks for starting Operation Christmas Child. I’ll be watching for an update. I’m glad to have had a small part in the project.

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